How To Take Control Of Your Time Back

How To Take Control Of Your Time Back Writer By Leon Ho I love plans. After all, who doesn't? It's just an amazing feeling when everything goes like you thought it would. For every project, I pay attention to every single detail. I try to prevent anything that could potentially go wrong. Then, when I believe everything will go smoothly and on schedule... Boom. Something unexpected happens that I didn't think of. Truth is, there's always something that goes wrong with my plans. It doesn't matter how much time I spend planning. There's always this little thing that makes it fall apart. Back in the day, my reactions to these types of situations were not ideal, to say the least. I mean, they really affected me. I would panic. I would get desperate. I would let all my insecurities and fears take control of me, and stopped being rational. In the meantime, my problems would just get bigger and bigger. The more I panicked, the worse the situation would get. It was cha...