KNOWLEDGE INDEED PUFFS UP. Written By Merry Paul. I actually go on some knowledge fast sometimes, just to avoid unnecessary puffs. When you know too much, if you're not careful, you'll become so critical and harsh on those with a narrower point of view. You'll tend to consciously or unconsciously intimidate and oppress people because of the enormous information you think you posses. Untamed curiosity will lead one into an unbelievable error beyond his or her imagination. That's why meditation will forever be a very powerful tool at the disposal of great and effective people. Take time to think through everything you know or learn, grab it's firmness before you begin to dispense, it's very important. Knowledge can illuminate, at the same time can deteriorate. It ultimately depends on how it's being used. Take your time to examine yourself, is knowledge puffing you up? Is it making you intolerant and inconsiderate? Is it making you unbelievably harsh and ho...