~NEVER GIVE UP, THE STRENGTH LIES WITHIN YOU. Written By YAHYA UTHMAN Life is funny sometimes, when you are almost near to complete a certan project you are working on, out of a sudden, your left just turned to the right and your right became left. The wind begin to blow against you, the north suddenly becomes south and east turned west which you never expected. It is in this period that your true colour, your determination and patient will all be revealed. Those friends that were "green snakes in a green succulent grasses' will begin to disperse into air, leaving you alone because the project has become a "white elephant project." But so interestingly, it's also in this period that you will truly know your lovers, especially your #parents and some few "God sent friends" who will wholeheartedly feel so sympathetic for you and are ready to wipe the stream of tears on cheek, will only remain by. During this nasty experience period, man should nev...