SAID NO TO A JOB OFFER Written By Debbie Okorie My friends were like, "Debbie are you sure you're okay?" Another said I should better grab the offer with both hands. Well, I know if it is other corper's that got the offer they won't mind changing their PPA just to grab the opportunity. But I said NO. This is what happens when you position yourself. You will be the one to make choices. Do you think there are no jobs out there? Well, the truth is there are more opportunities out there than you can imagine. You're only limited to the ones you know of. You can only operate at the level of the information that you have. Take your personal development seriously and be value-conscious. Build yourself to the extent of having different opportunities available for you to choose from. WAYS TO POSITION YOURSELF ∆. Learning a high-income skill is the first step because your skill will position you well. ∆. Be value-oriented. When your attention is on creating solutions ...