THE FEAR OF FEAR. Writer By Kristy Omoga. When ever I set out to do new things I become nervous, my hands all shaking often times I end up doing the wrong thing or making a shipwreck of everything. I wanted to be more bold and confident "girl you get to be better, you get to do better" But it all get worst. What's wrong??? Well this was the problem. I set out to do the task with the fear that am going to be scared and nervous again. And of course the result become the same and even worst. I confronted the task with the fear of fear and fear of being nervous again. HOW IT ALL ENDED. when I realized what the problem was. I chose not to be afraid of failing but to pick it up as a challenge to be better. Another way to overcome the fear of facing a new task or audience is PREPARATION. You can't deliver more than the level of your preparation. Being prepared gives you some level of confidence and boldness. Learn more about the task, be ...