The spirit it alive, while the money it dead.

By Micharl C.Onah
it disturbing like a house fly you had better hold it so firm or it keeps on
paging on you around.
I meet a millionaire and he thought me three lesson
Money it disturbing when you don't have it at hand while needed for something . Is like a house fly it keeps on paging you all around at length but when you do something you then have it on your bare palms. let take a short breathe here and I posed to all my readers or viewers this hilarious question and probably think a second, a minute, or hour the best way you can.
Why will a folk strive for money? Or a single person? I am sure people will continue listing reasons perhaps until they retire to bed or get very tired with their big mouth. Good it is. But it funny when you have it and so soon you forget how you had raised it while in the sun scorch. very much stress-free to spend it but we never get it in our brain how we’re spending it unwise some people do. See The 20 spirits behind money. i posted on my blog just long -term.
You can manage it well, save it well or do mini-investment with it so it can yield better fruit for you tomorrow, if you chose that funny way the fly will keep paging on you.
Money it a spirit. I’ll talk brief on spirit and so we can comprehend more better before I wrap up the crucial topic.
Spirit literally doesn’t die! I will take you on life living phenomenon, when a person is very much alive it possess in him or her spirit, soul and body, the three imperative things found in man. But when eventually the person deceased and to where ever the soul may be.
Now the flesh is rotten or the body eaten up by the insects or maggots six feet the ground and forever forgotten the person, while the spirit it on its abode.
Now we come back to our content. Spirit or spirits don’t die ; forever likewise money don’t deceased too. Some influential people like: Henry ford, Robert t. kiyosaki, Donald trump, and mark Zuckerberg their whiff don’t…and it will never happen. why? it’s because they’ve made their source a spirit and not a dead body.
How can I awake my money from a dead body to a spirit ?
1. Invest well:
Your investment will speak for you while you’re aging gracefully. While you’re too young invest well, invest in stocks, shares, mutual funds, estates and other ventures too. The top philanthropist in the world today did not start enjoying the seed yesterday, hell no! it’s what they plant on their lands that start yielding bountifully today for them, do that fast.
2 .Be creative:
Your creativity is your activity I stated. Learn to create new things; learn to develop new ideas every now and then. People will like you, you will attract audience, people will pray to be your friend, you’re on top the world. You think well, you reason well and you create out amazing things.
3- Humility to go to school:
learning is one most paramount and exist able factor in life. That number one propels a person been at the verge to success. Something you’re naive for, the only secret to fade it away is to humble yourself to learn in school. My mum used to aim this quotes on me. ‘if you humble yourself you get what you’re looking for.’ The holy bible clearly
stated. ‘pride goes before failure.’ A failure is a pride person and a humble person is a successful being. Men and women who have attained high in life and can never go down humbly go to school to learn and still learning. Pastor victor orji said: ‘The day you stop learning you start dying’. Learn…learn…listen to tutors during their tuition ask question where necessary so you become better as your life will never remain the same.
stated. ‘pride goes before failure.’ A failure is a pride person and a humble person is a successful being. Men and women who have attained high in life and can never go down humbly go to school to learn and still learning. Pastor victor orji said: ‘The day you stop learning you start dying’. Learn…learn…listen to tutors during their tuition ask question where necessary so you become better as your life will never remain the same.
4- Seek angel council in the same venture of people who are ahead of you:
Who is your mentor? Who is your mentor in the same field? Or carrier you are? It’s a massive one that needs urgent answer. I’ve not seen a great man without no mentor. Every great man I see or you see have one or two depends on. Good mentor, mentor you well. Your mentor is your profit, you gain from them asking complex questions that seem confusing to you while you’re stuck for something. A million of advice shall be given to you. Try secure one mentor and you live above your equals.
5- Practice well:
There’s this saying practice makes perfect. I say perfection. Permit me let me to copy this…from my previous book. Caring out practice In a daily endeavor makes one perfect or perfecting the work well. Practically going through what you’re given to do over and over again until you get it done well; until not…don’t stop until you it perfect.
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