When You Meet Good And Quality Friends...


When You Meet Good And Quality Friends...

Article By ...Orji Victor CP

> Don't Misuse them.

> Don't Mismanage them.

> Don't Misunderstand them.

> Don't Misquote them.

> Don't Mistrust them.

> Don't Mistreat.

> Don't Mistaken them for another.

> Don't Overload them with your demands.

> Don't Take them for granted.

> Don't Misplace them.

> Don't Misbehave before them.

> Don't Mock their weaknesses.

> Don't be a Misfit.

You should try this...


> Value them.

> Honour them.

> Service them.

> Respect them.

Care for them

Know your limit

> Add value to their lives.

> Don't make them your God.

> Respect yourself before them.

> Always bring something to the table

Are you ready to change your life?

...Orji Victor CP




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