If You Know You're Going To Have A Busy Day, Do This


If You Know You're Going To Have A Busy Day, Do This.

How To Stop Waisting Time On Your Phone

Written By Leon Ho

Do you know how many times an average person checks on their phone every day Chibuzor?

58 times.

And the numbers are on the rise.

It doesn't matter if you're in a meeting with a client.

If you're spending some quality time with your family.

Even if you're on a date with your significant other.

As soon as a new notification pops up, you quit on whatever it is they're doing and you check your phone.

Like if checking out the latest picture someone posted on Instagram was a life or death scenario.

Don't believe me?

Just try to remember the last time you decided to purposefully be without it.

You know what the worst part is?

That in-between reading the news, checking emails, and browsing on social media...

We are wasting our precious time away.

Just think about it.

The average person spends 3 hours on their phone every day.

That's 24 hours per week.

84 hours per month.

And over 1,000 hours per year.

Just think about what you could do if you had an extra 1,000 hours.

You could've learned a new skill.

Get in shape.

Maybe even start that business idea you have in mind.

Instead, you prefer to waste that time mindlessly scrolling through Instagram.

Now, the question is...

What can you do about it?

For working people, going cold turkey is just not an option.

You just can't get rid of your phone forever. 

So, how can you spend less time on your phone?

Well, there's a simple yet difficult way to do this.

Want to know what it is?

Walk away from your phone entirely and set time slots for using it.


You can try a thousand tactics to control the amount of time you spend on your phone if you want to.

You can create roadblocks for checking it.

Turn off all notifications so you don't get distracted.

Or use an app like RescueTime or Apple's Screen Time to monitor how much you use your phone every day.

In the end, they never get the job entirely done.


Well, there's a famous quote from Audre Lorde that explains it perfectly.

"The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house".

So, it's best to walk away.

If You Know You're Going To Have A Busy Day, Do This.

Select a place in your house where you'll leave your phone.

Next, set specific times where you'll go and check for anything urgent.

For example, you could choose to check on your phone during your lunch break, and by the end of the day.

Then you go and leave it there.

That way, you'll not be tempted to check on your phone because you won't have it at hand.

Sounds simple, right?

It is.

And still...

It boosted my productivity in ways I couldn't have imagined.

My mind wasn't thinking anymore about all the Instagram posts I was missing.

Now, I could give my full undivided attention to the tasks that really made a difference.

All I had to do was put my phone away.

So, if you feel you're spending too much time on your phone every day, give it a try.

Your life will never be the same.

I promise.

Your friend,



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