(For young men,  and women that care about them) 

Written By Merry Paul.

I remember clearly,  it was a glorious Sunday in 2015, I can't recall the day or the month. After a mind blowing service I had to see pastor briefly in his office. His wife preached powerfully that day and I was wowed by her delivery. I said in my heart,  I'll love to have a wife like this. 

While we were discussing in Pastor's office, in way of compliment or admiration I said to Him "Daddy I really like mama, her teaching was awesome, I trust God for someone like her too"

He smiled and replied "She has not always been like that, I moulded her into what she has become. Women are like raw materials, you have the responsibility of finishing them into your desire".

Wow ,  that was a heavy eye opener for me. Then pastor began to teach me the code for succesful relationship that will lead to a glorious and fulfilling marriage. I have applied that code, it works and still works in my life and relationship today. 

Here's the code

"As a believer,  in considering a woman to marry, first, you must establish that she's in Christ, i.e she's born again. Secondly, She must be teachable. If you find this two powerful ingredients in a woman, then she's good to go"

That was my jackpot to a hitch free relationship. So from that point on I knew that the woman  that is going to be my wife does not need to be perfect; she just needs to be born again and teachable. I have the responsibility of moulding or perfecting her into the image of the woman that would become my perfect and effective helpmeet. 

I think the little problem some brothers have today is that they are expecting the women in their lives to act right without necessarily taking time to patiently teach them how to. 

As a man, if you've not laboured in continuous teaching and moulding of your woman towards God's purpose or calling for your life,  don't expect her to automatically align. 

Some men are lucky, their woman do not need much teaching to align, but some based on their background, upbringing and believes etc, their alignment might require more labor in the teaching and moulding. I have found patience and prayer to be an effective tool of expoilt  in such situations. 

My brother, if you've discovered your purpose in God, and desire to have a woman help you in it, carefully establish that she's born again and teachable. Then be willing to teach and keep on teaching teaching her till she properly aligns. You have a responsibility to keep on washing her with the water of the word, till her spots and blemishes disappear. 

I hope someone is helped. 

©Merry Paul.


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