Written By Orji Victor CP

I went for a programme somewhere and I saw 2 Children running around inside the Church during service. 

I asked one of the associate Pastors seating beside me why they can't control the Children, the young Man said "SIR, IT'S A NO GO AREA, NO ONE CAN TRY TO CORRECT, CAUTION OR CONTROL THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SENIOR PASTOR'S CHILDREN"

I felt bad and when I was introduced, I decided not to talk about it or react to it since it is their way of living there, I came to build and not to cause trouble, so I ignored them, but to be sincere to you, I was seriously distracted that day.

When the service was over and I was being taken to where I was lodged by the senior pastor, I used the opportunity to ask him about the kids and why they were not been controlled or cautioned?

He said everybody in the Church is afraid of his  wife's reaction if they do correct any of his Children, because of that everyone decided to stay clear and allow them do as they want.

I asked him, if everyone was afraid to correct your kids because of your wife, you the husband and the G. O of the Church are you also afraid?.

He replied me that I won't understand.

I felt bad inside me.

I pitied him 

I knew that my brother was in a cage and condition he can't explain.

At this juncture, I don't know what else to say bevause I don't talk about husband and wife matter like that, I only said to him that God shall help you, in Jesus name, he replied with a very loud Amen.

Now, to you reading this message that is MAMA G. O, FIRST LADY, MUMMY GENERAL, MOTHER IN ISREAL ETC, know it that your actions, reactions and attitudes can make or mar the Ministry of your husbands.


> Be a good role model.

> Be a good example of what the word of says.

> Be an encouragement to the work of Christian workers in the Church.

> Love, endure, tolerant and overlook somethings.

> Be a pillar and not a catapillar to the Ministry.

> Be prayerful and supportive

> CELEBRATE workers and don't fight them.

Are you aware that you are well favoured and you occupy a very sensitive position in the lives and ministries of your husbands.

I know it is not easy for you people due to the stress, neglects some members display to you people, high expectations on you from members, provocations, pressure to measure up and sometimes neglect you suffer in the hands of your husbands etc

Yet, don't allow them make you to become a liability, parasite and a problem to the free flow of service and fellowship in the Church.

May God bless every good Pastors wives and make the troublesome ones to become good, so that the work of God will experience growth and fullfilment, in Jesus name, Amen

[ This post was not to make mockery of any or to show that I know more than anyone.

I decided to share this experience of mine because of the increasing rate of problems we are having in ministries due to uncultured Ministers'wives (so sorry to use the word)]

Love from, 

©️Orji Victor CP




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