Ready To Make Up For Lost Time?

By Leon From Lifehack
A reader by the name of Peter wrote in saying -
"When I read the point about us being a creature of comfort, I hate to admit it, but couldn't agree more! I've been so unhappy with my job for the past 5 years and yet I haven't done anything to change things because it just seems like too much work trying to look for something new. I have bills to pay, a family that relies on my income. It's really not as easy as it sounds and I know it shouldn't be an excuse too but I really don't have the time or energy to look at other opportunities. I'm scared too, that I won't be able to find something better, in terms of job satisfaction and salary. But enough is enough, and I know that if I carry on in this job I'm only going to resent my work even more and I don't want to carry this unhappiness home every day. I want to know how to get out of this please!" 

Can you identify with Peter's plight?

Guess what, Peter isn't the only one going through this! I received at least 5 other replies from readers going through a similar situation to the one Peter's currently facing.

And this is just one aspect of life.

We all feel the same way to some extent about running out of time, worrying and not knowing how to start making changes, and achieving your goals with the existing responsibilities and situation you're in.

But here's the secret.

The key is to have Laser Focus. This means being precise and accurate, getting things done with speed and precision, such that you cut down on wasted time and effort.

Because you don't want to be spending more time or energy. 
You want to be able to dive straight to fulfilling that goal/ dream/ purpose.

To have Laser Focus, you need to have a clear intent and purpose. Then there is Time and Execution - You need to have decisive planning and action in order to reach that goal.

This can be achieved by 
  • Creating clear focus goals and milestones
  • Setting priority systematically
  • Executing actions efficiently
  • From Time (when to execute) and Action (how to execute) perspectives

The result of this, is being able to master your time and energy to employ them both to their fullest.

No matter what your goal is, if it's to get a new job like Peter, if you have a laser focus with purpose mindset, you'll be able to accomplish it without huge sacrifices, time or energy.

Now, does this sound like something you'll be interested in learning?

Then I want you to check out the Laser Focus with Purpose Course that I've created to show you EXACTLY how to build a laser focus with purpose mindset that will allow you to know what your exact purpose is, and how to plan and execute the right actions, such that you'll be doing LESS, but achieving MORE. 


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