Your boss is a challenge to you.

Image result for photo of your boss scolding you
  By Michael C.Onah
A guy shared with me in my closed some time back  about a fair pretty lady who one stupid  and  callous man  that called himself a boss  wants to take advantage of her first before he could proceed further in the job application he
wants  to give to her while in his office campaigning with her. What’s the pay check a month? That the fair one has to sell her dignity to a man who is not her rightful husband? Now thank God for the lady she didn’t succumbed to his take,
‘To hell with you and your dirty job I’m a cost product in Jesus I’m not cheap for you or like other girls who are desperate for something…’ 
 She bounced out from his office, keeping the boss in hell thought of his life. If it were to be some other ladies they will hastily succumbed and the job will be granted to them. All this boils down to; your boss is a challenge to you. If that lady had something on her own doing she wouldn’t have experienced such blast all her life.
 How long are you going to work under someone? Are you not tired the stipend he or she pays you for every month? Why can’t you sit and reason well, how long can I continue 
Are you ready to break through of your limitations in life?
answering a being like me sir…sir ma…ma? why one don’t call you sir or ma? Have you ever thought that way before in your life? Or you don’t like it? Me I do, that’s why I start up my mini-business, you can become like me or more. It’s all about decision taking. Decide today or your boss will decide for you tomorrow. Make out time to study the kind of business you want to establish or better still, there are a lot of legitimate business you can start up with 14 legitimate business you can start with 5k in Nigeria and attain a million in a year.
 (Be  curious about this site because many packages of sweet information are coming; check
 on daily post any new update)
By Michael C. Onah.(author)


Chibuzor Michael Onah said…
your boss is a challenge to you. why? just state reasons
Chibuzor Michael Onah said…
who is a boss?
your definition
Beautiful write up. Keep it up, MIke!

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