Are You Ready To Break Free Of Your limitations In Life?

Change Your Mindset, Change Your life
By Leon From Lifehack
Hi Friends,
Are you currently at a crossroad or hoping to see a breakthrough in your current situation? 

It's hard to feel restricted by your own seemingly limited ability at times -- you may feel discouraged by setbacks and resigned to accept your 'fate'. 

You may be feeling lost and like there's more that you can be/should be doing. 

If you can relate to this, I'm here to tell you that you deserve the opportunity to achieve anything you want... regardless of your current skills and circumstances.

I remember a mentor of mine who once taught me a very valuable lesson.

It came at a time when I was feeling overwhelmed trying to build up Lifehack and swamped by challenges I didn't feel prepared to take on. Moving forward and getting anywhere was a constant uphill battle.

When I shared my struggles with him, he said that my current issues were simply due to a problem of perspective.

A problem of perspective? Yes, it's as simple as that.

I was like a frog, looking up from the bottom of a well. From that viewpoint, I believed the small piece of sky I could see was the whole world. But, if I climbed out from the well and looked again, I would see the entire sky and a whole new world of possibilities. 

My mentor showed me how to raise up my perspective.

"Don't think like an Engineer. Think like a 
CEO." he would say.

"But I'm not a CEO... all my experience is being an Engineer!" I would keep insisting.

"It doesn't matter. Pretend you are CEO of a global Lifehack... how would you tackle this problem? Imagine your readers are your people. Imagine your team is your family. You are responsible for them, and you have the power to make their lives great. What would you do?"
The first thing this did was jolt me out of thinking in terms of just Engineering problems and Engineering solutions. I realized that I had set this artificial boundary for myself the entire time without even knowing it!

Second, it finally made me see all the other pieces and how they fit together. Suddenly, the seemingly huge challenges I faced were not so huge after all. Instead all my problems became opportunities when seen from new perspective. 

Looking back, it seems like such a simple shift in thinking. But believe me, it really hit me hard at the time, and I've held onto this valuable lesson ever since. 

Over the years, I've learned that to break through and become something new... you first have to think like someone who already has gotten where you want to be! 

There are always going to obstacles and limitations in life preventing you from moving forward, or from achieving certain dreams and goals. But, that should not stop or even hinder you. You shouldn't surrender to your 'fate'. Instead, you've got to take control and break free from your limitations.

Are you ready to break free of your limitations in life? Take this readiness assessment and find out.

Download the "Breakthrough Readiness Assessment"




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