Written By Umana Pius

I have been guilty of using purpose and assignment interchangeably, I know some of you are guilty of doing same thing.

I see purpose as what you were created to be/do on earth. Then assignment are seasonal things you were called to do to fulfill purpose.

Purpose doesn’t change. Assignments do...... Chandler Moore

Assignment's are not destinations,they are just route.you need to pass through to get to your destination (purpose)

There is always something to learn in every assignment that will help you in fulfilling purpose.

You see, the same way you have routes that will take you to your destination, the same way you will have assignments to complete to get to your purpose.

Every assignment should point back to your purpose.

Let me borrow this familiar story from the bible, it's a story you know already.( The Joseph's story ) 

The purpose of Joseph was to save the people from the farmine that was to befall them but Joseph didn't fulfill his purpose immediately he was given birth to.

There were some things he needed learn before getting there, this lessons are best taught through assignments.

One of the assignment was to manage potiphar's house.

He needed to know how to manage a home before he could be able to manage the resources of a nation.

That was an assignment. He could have just given up on fulfilling purpose, afterall he was working for a wealthy man and he was in charge of the man's house and wealth.

Am sure his salary was a fat some of money because the bible recorded that he was a successful and prosperous slave.

He would have just given up everything and lay with potiphar's wife but he didn't.

Joseph understood that giving up all he had for a temporary enjoyment or satisfaction can leave a question mark in his assignment and reduce his chance of fulfilling purpose.

He didn't attach himself to the assignment but he attach himself to the purpose,that was why he was still walking in purpose even when the assignment changed.

He had to keep going because where he was ,was not a destination but a route.

Today I see potiphar's house liken to our academic journey, a temporary job, a political seat e.t.c

Those things are not permanent but if you are opportuned to pass through them,never forget what Joseph did. (Don't give up all you have [purpose] for a temporary enjoyment or satisfaction[assignment])

Don't settle in your assignment keep moving till you fulfill purpose.

© Umana's encouragement


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