Do You Have A Mentor?


At every point in life you'd need to have someone that you look up to.

Who is your mentor?

Written By Joseph Adeleke And A Personal Development Coach Also Topic By Chibuzor Michael Onah 

Someone you respect so much and would like to emulate.

You'd meet them for direction and advice...and they'd guide you.

These are your mentors...and you won't have a smooth ride without one.

When you have a mentor, make sure that such person also improves in what he or she is doing...

Don't have a mentor that don't have a purpose

The essence of having a mentor is to have a driving force...someone that pushes you to become better.

There are mentors for different aspect of life...

You can't have one mentor for everything...(aside Christ)

Get someone you admire  for something and emulate what you admire...dont become a total replica of the person

You are an original with a feel of other people...

Don't be a copy.

This is the last day of June... I hope you have made the right decision this month as a result of the person you follow.


"I am interested in seeing you become a better person while I work on me too"

My name is Joseph Adeleke, your #personaldevelopmentcoach


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