Written By Michael Chidiebere Ituma ,

A Content Writer

Westerners brought a lot of lifestyles that affected us both positively and negatively. Some of our fathers who traveled overseas brought home with them another portion of the these varying lifestyles. The awakening of the internet contributed its own quota, while the rest of very many lifestyles are concocted by crazy thinkers (so called). 




Today we have a confused and frustrated world with a better percentage of people who know absolutely nothing they're in pursuit of. 'A' is okay with them. 'B' is just fine, too. 'C' is tantalizing, 'D' is welcomed, too. When I say confused I mean the kind of confusion that leaves one wondering if certain group of people even have at the back of their minds that the world turns like the wall clock. Let me drive home my points. 




Today, in Nigeria and most parts of the world, music has become the only way to 'BLOW'. Blow is another way, in the Nigerian pidgin vanacular, of saying that one is SUCCESSFUL. This truth is evident to the fact that people worship and appraise music stars more than any other sect of entertainment in Nigeria. This same way, they celebrate every single move their favorite music stars make - good or bad. 





One of such music stars is a big name here in Nigeria. I have seen young people argue that he is the best. I have seen young people, confused and frustrated, argue that one famous music star is richer and more known across the globe than another. I have seen people put their lives on the line in the bid to defend a music star. 





Then comes the saga, then comes the razzmatazz, then comes the craving; everyone wants to become a music star. The frog voice, the cricket voice, cacophonous vessels, they all want to make money, and singing seems to be the perfect airline. Confusion! Confusion in the highest. 





Some of these young people eventually make it through to becoming a musician and when they do you will hardly hear a song that is not about a woman's butt, or about her oranges, or about drug, or about crime, or about gansterism. I mean these things are done on intention just to fill the people's mind with corruption. 




It's not just music, it has changed into something else. It is a jinx. The music videos are literally shot with naked women gracing the screen. And this is what we celebrate. 





The film industry is not free from the dust caused by this fog of confusion. Celebrities in the film world have contributed immensely to the influence and lifestyle of many young people. There are tons upon tons of films out there; how many of those films have great moral impacts on the people who consume them? 





I won't even leave the comedy industry out of the picture. Let's paint them somewhere around this madness, too. And my problem is the infiltration of the comedy world. They now bring in naked ladies to take roles in comics. 




These ladies are heavily immoral and portray same in the comics they're featured in. It is evident, the way they push out contents with these kind of ladies, that their agenda is to instill immorality in people's minds. In fact, as it is now, there are comics I don't watch. There is a particular comedy star I don't watch his videos because they're always too sexually offensive. It's no more about the fun of laughter now, it's about the money and anything can be done to make it. And that is what we celebrate. 





If 'Davido' decides to visit a place for instance, that place will be flooded with young people who have been bewitched by the spirit of his songs. And I'm not saying 'Davido' is a wizard, I'm only saying this on literal terms. Invite any other celebrity - comedy star, beauty model, fashionista, dance monsters, footballer, actor, actress - you will see a multitude of people, the young and old alike. But invite Wole Soyinka and see who turns up. 



  You get my point now? What we celebrate is success that has no positive impact. 





How many writers are as popular as these music stars? 



How many spoken word poets have the kind of followers these standup comedians have? 




How many preachers of the gospel have a fan base that beats those of movie stars? 




Is it not obvious that the world wants nonsense more than they want reasonable things? 




The fashion industry is a long story, a far place to visit. Let's not go there at all. 




We just celebrate indecency, and that is now a norm. 





I'm not God. I can't judge anyone. Everyone has a choice to make. I have made mine. 





Wake up! Their agenda is not in your favour. They will enrich their pockets with your money and leave you to rot in decadence. 




They will sell their pornographic videos to you, make their money, and leave you to suffer the effects. 




They will teach you that having sex is not a bad thing but won't enrich you with the in depth knowledge of the spiritual aftermath when done outside wedlock. 




If ithe bizarre is not celebrated and promoted why will BBN winner go home with millions of Naira and other prizes? 





If immorality is not the agenda why must all the films be rate PG (Parental Guidance)? 





I can't find my hands around the number of people who participated in the notorious silhouette challenge that happened early this year, but do you see what is happening? 





I'm afraid. Afraid of what will happen next. Afraid of what the world turns out next. Afraid of what generations to come would look like. 





Maybe I'm just being too concerned. Maybe it's not my business what people decide to do with their life. Maybe I should stop writing about these negativism that has eroded the world. 





I'm waiting for that better tomorrow. But until that tomorrow comes, what we celebrate is 'Malady'. 




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Michael Chidiebere Ituma 

June, 2021.


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