Written By Chinwendu Nneamaka

"Good evening ma'am, I trust you're good. I read your article titled, VIRGINITY WILL STRANGLE YOUR BABY, in the book club. It was an awesome piece. I must admit, I use to assume a similar thing. I'd thought remaining a virgin after 20 will hinder your chances of getting pregnant. I have two sisters and they were virgins before marriage, but they had issues with conception. Please, can you enlighten me, why are there cases of infertility among virgins?"



The above message was dropped in my Dm some days ago. I'd received several messages regarding that article but I decided to put this out for public benefit.



Before I list my thoughts, let me draw your mind to the word. Hebrew 13:4 - Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. This confirms that God won't tug us into what has severe implications. If virginity will impede his purpose of procreation, God won't frown at premarital sex. As long as a lady doesn't have any major fertility issue known or unknown to her, then her virginity isn't a threat. There are several causes of infertility among women and one of them is VIRGINAL INFECTION.



What is virginal infection?



Virginal infection also called Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, often due to an imbalance of yeast and bacteria that normally live in the vagina and it creates discharge, odor, irritation, or itching. Some examples of vaginitis are Bacterial vaginosis, virginal yeast infections (candidiasis), Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia E.t.c



Vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis (yeast infection) don't just happen to girls who have sex. For example, virgins can get yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis from things like taking certain medications or from stress, using dirty toilet, dirty water, repeating underwear without washing, sharing undies with an infected person, poor eating habits, etc And If the infections are left untreated, they will spread and cause a lot of damage to the system. "The biggest concern regarding bacterial vaginosis is that in some cases, the infection can travel up from the vagina to the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes and cause a painful condition called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. If it scars and blocks the tubes, infertility or ectopic pregnancy can occur."



A lady came to me last week and admitted that she'd been struggling with infection for four years. She's always embarrassed to talk about it, and the treatment process terrifies her like hell. To me, the problem was not the infection, the problem was the fact she had sheltered it for four years, and lack of finance had deterred the treatment. Who knows the damage it had caused in her system?



Ladies listen, Virginity is not the course of infertility don't allow anybody to misinform you. Anytime you notice a change in the way your discharge looks or smells, go see a doctor as soon as possible. If you're not disposed to see a doctor, please, open up to an elderly person you trust. As much as it's good to keep your virginity, it's also good you keep your body clean. 

God bless you. I'll drop my pen. I hope this was helpful.



Picture muse: The smile and confidence you emit when you learn your future is secured in God's hands. 



Until we meet again, keep to heart all I've said.


@Chinwendu Nneamaka


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