You Have Some Character Flaws Or Attitude That Isn't Pleasant.


You Have Some Character Flaws Or Attitude That Isn't Pleasant.

Written By Daniel Okafor

What Are Your Character Flaws?

You keep losing relationships because people find it difficult to stay around you.

You keep receiving lots of complaints about your negative character.


Instead of you to have a retrospection and work on your character.

You keep consoling yourself by using low life quotes such as;

"I am me and I can't change for anyone"

"I owe no explanation for my flaws, love me or fuck off"

"When I say or do something I do it, I don't give a damn what you think, I'm doing this for me."

"I don't care what anyone thinks or says about me,I just do whatever makes me happy"

"Love me or leave me, but me is me.......bla bla bla"

(You can add yours in the comment section)

These are beliefs that looks harmless but are harmful.

It's a delusion to believe that your current state of attitude is the best you could ever be. 

The imbalance belief of "being yourself" has cost more  harm than good.

You shouldn't strive to be yourself, but to become the better version of yourself.

Negative attitudes are indeed like flat tyres, you can't make meaningful progress unless you change it.

Love yourself despite your  imperfections, but never accept or get satisfied with your flaws.

What Are Your Character Flaws?


Be responsible

Identify your character flaws and be committed to improve them.

This is not all there is to you, the best of you is yet to manifest.

It's all left for you to fast track the process.

Indeed your attitude determines your altitude.

Be intentional in cultivating the right attitude.

Daniel Okafor



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