I know This Is For Someone Because Of The Push I Had To Write It


Written By Orji Victor CP

I know This Is For Someone Because Of The Push I Had To Write It.

Some of the best ways to come out of depression caused by someone's mistreatment, mismanagement, misunderstanding or rejection of you:- 

1. Know it that as you have the right to choices and associaion, so also they do.

As you want them to respect your right to choices and associaion, so also you have to respect and honour them whenever they exercise their right to choices and association,  even if it affected you negatively, respect and honore it in the spirit of sportsmanship.

2. Understand that in this life, some people will leave you in the morning, afternoon or evening of your life, only few which includes new ones can stay till the night period of your life.

Remember, their leaving might not mean that they hate you, it might simply be because they are through with their assignment in your life or you are through with your own assignment in their lives.

As they are leaving, bid then farewell and leave your door slight open incase there is a need of reconnecting back or assistance from you or from them.

3. Get more committed in God, kingdom Service and Spiritual exercises like prayer and wordfeast.

The spiritual controls the physical, so get into more of Spiritual exercises.

Let their rejection push you closer to your maker.

4. Get closer to people who you love and they love you.

Don't allow one or two persons' rejection make you close your heart and eyes that you won't see the multitudes around who smile, laugh and care for you genuinely.

Don't go into alcoholism, drugs or bad association because of it, rather go to those who genuinely love and care for you.

5. Engage in humanitarian Services

This will develop more love and passion to continue living in you.

No one loves to leave those he or she loves.

The joy of serving humanity keeps one going. I know what I'm telling you.

6. Get engaged in what you love doing and do it passionately and joyfully too.

Keep your mind, heart and body busy.

Don't go lying down, thinking and crying because if you do, depression, feeling worthless and suicide thoughts will step in and death might follow.

Let their rejection push you closer to your destiny.

Many great ideals and establishments emerged through deep thoughts during rejection period.

Use the opportunity well.

7. Make up your mind not to retaliate.

Don't say, I will deal or frustrate the person's life.

If the person left you and entered a new relationship, don't go about trying to see if you can possibly destroy the new relationship.

Don't do such, because, no one with retaliation mindset gets successful in life.

Retaliation leads to frustration.

You will always compound your problems, loose more good relationships and destroy the ladders to your better future with retaliation mindset. 

Let them go and released them from your heart, so you can be free to find your footing again.

If you are in this condition, I suggest you do as I used to do by God's grace.

I always find a way to show true love and do good to anyone who hurts or rejected me whether the person is aware or not without any feeling of anger, bitterness or pain.

You can too.

> You shall conquer.

> You shall bounce back.

> You shall rejoice and be happy again.

> You shall be accepted, honoured and celebrated.

> You shall be loved and cared for genuinely.

...in Jesus name, Amen

Love from me, 

©️Orji Victor CP







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