Focus Your Life


Focus Your Life

Written By Angel Ugwuada

If you should draw up a score card for yourself say, for the last ten years what would be the result? Do you still have the same believe? Do you still walk determined with a plan? Do you still have a roadmap for your life? Do you still know where you are headed? Do you still believe? Or Have you lost the Map?

Now, let's look to the future. Ten years from now, what's your focus? What's your roadmap? Looking at all that life has thrown at you, Do you still believe there is a plan for your life? 

To get where you believe God wants you to go and be what you know God wants you to be, you need to get you focused and refocused!


You've got to know where you are before you can know where you are going.

Where am I now? 

Spiritually, financially, emotionally, relationally, physically, and occupationally?

What would I like to change? In all of those areas you identified, what would you like to be different?

Abraham remained focused for 25years believing and waiting on God's promises. 

You can either drift through the next ten years or you can have direction over the next ten years. God wants you to have direction

Focus and counciously refuse to be distracted. 

Focus and refuse to be sidetracked. 

God still has a plan. 


#createdforapurpose #CreatedToWorship #livingintentionally #vision #focus #GodlyLife 

Angel Ugwuada


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