Written By  Kenneth Izuchukwu


There is a subtle difference between being a Christian and being IN CHRIST. Someone can be a 'Christian' and not be 'In Christ. Another might also identify with the religion of Christianity and really be IN CHRIST. 

There is also some who are not Christians yet they are in Christ (this is the hard one for many 'Christians'). 

While Christianity is a religion formed around the Person of Jesus Christ, being IN CHRIST is having the same Spirit, Life and Mind that was in Lord Jesus Christ and following His doctrine. Moses, Elijah, David, Daniel, and even other saints who are not written in the Bible and were not Jews, encountered Christ, yet Christianity was formed long after these old saints have left this material plane. 

When Sadhu Sundar Singh, the Indian apostle with the bleeding feet, went to the hills of Himalayas to 'preach' to the Buddhist monks and mystics there, he received a shock. For they made him know that they have known Christ long before and that the Lord Jesus always came to commune with them.

This is a true event. Yet those men were not 'Christians'. 

There are many 'Christians'who are not yet IN CHRIST. They are still sleeping in the dust of humanity created by religion, yet dead to the True God. All they have is a man-formed religion, but no substance, no true Life. 

To these Paul said, "Having a form of godliness yet denying the power thereof and from such, turn away."

There are some who have been touched by the Spirit of God but they have not yet been enlightened by the Spirit of Christ, nor fully possesed by Him, so they walk as people who are half asleep: partly awake and partly asleep. 

To these, Paul said, "Awake thou that sleepeth and Christ will be thy Light".

Jesus once said, And OTHER SHEEP I have WHICH ARE NOT OF THIS FOLD; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be ONE FLOCK [and] ONE SHEPHERD. John 10:16

Most bible readers have never cared to know what this means. 

Beloved, don't struggle to make a 'Christian' out of someone. Rather if you have the light and the passion, show them Christ. Preach Christ, teach Christ and it will be enough. Make them embrace Christ, which is their Life.

Contrary to Christian opinion, Christianity as a religion is not the true religion. The true religion is to 'care for those in need with unfeigned love and to keep oneself unspotted from the world'. 

When you study the history of Christianity, it is not different from other religions. There was a time they killed others in the name of their god and instituted all manner of idolatrous things. Even now, we still witness terrible things happening in Christianity as well as other religions. 

All religions seek to know and worship God in the way they believe, but Jesus came to bring LIFE and IMMORTALITY to light. 


This may not make sense to many,  because they are still held bound by religiosity, but if you are thirsty for Life, it will be readily understandable. 

Only IN CHRIST can all men attain unity, not in Christianity. That is why divisions and sects exist here and there, each believing that they are the true custodians of Light and secretly despise the others. 

But only in Christ that all shall know God and themselves,and know that they are all One - a many-membered Body.

Christ is ageless and boundless. Christ is the Gateway to the Soul of God, the Father. And Jesus the Man, came to give mankind the key. He is still doing that, as the first begotten of the Father, without the need of organized human help. 

Remember the eternal words of the Master: Blessed [are] those who hunger and thirst for RIGHTEOUSNESS, For they shall be filled.

RIGHTEOUSNESS is the same thing as CHRIST. 

If you truly hunger and thirst after CHRIST, the true Light of your spirit, the Rest of your soul and Strength of your body, you will find Him. As long as you seek Him with all your heart. 

It could be in the wilderness like Moses or your way to Damascus like Paul or even as you are doing your fishing like Peter and his brethen. But as long as you seek,  you will find and be found also. 

"I AM the true Shepherd,...They that seek Me (CHRIST) early and diligently, shall find ME".


The little brother of Jesus Christ


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