Written By Orji Victor CP

Some school of thoughts believe that our Lord Jesus was crucified on a cross, while some others believe it was on a pole, tree or stake.

Well, whichever one, Jesus Christ died being staked on a piece of wood for all to see. 

The place of His death is not that all important to me but the person that died is what is important to me.

I said so because the place of His death (Cross/Tree) has been in use as the last punishment for people who committed treason (coup plotters and criminal acts against the state) and criminals even before Jesus was born.

Jesus was not the first person to be crucified there, no wonder, theere were 2 others with Him on that day.

Brethren, if we are looking for a symbol for Christianity, it shouldn't be the cross because it didn't start with Jesus, it has been there as the last place for criminals to be executed.

Saying the cross is our symbol, are we criminals or are we under punishment?

We are free and liberated people.

The cross was only the vehicle that took Him through the process of our salvation which were His Death (on the Cross), His burial (tomb), His resurrection (justification) and His ascension (glorification) to heaven.

If He had been killed by firing squad, does it mean that gun would have become the symbol of Christianity?

Or if He had been killed by drowning in a river, does it mean river would have been our symbol?

To me the empty tomb is even more important to me than the cross why, He could have died any other place but must be buried in a tomb.

He died with our sin, buried with it, but left them and resurrected. 

No wonder He was shining so bright according to the Bible when He resurrected. Hallelujah.

Now I understand why the scriptures admonished us to:- 

1. Be looking into Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith:- Heb 12 vs 2

2. To those things that are above, where Christ is sits with the FATHER:- Col 3 vs 1b

Let's know today that cross is a sign of criminality, suffering, punishment and rejection and never the symbol of Christianity.

Even if you must wear or have the cross as a property, statue or fashion, let it be the empty one because our Christ Jesus is no more on the cross, the cross of Christ is an empty one the same way His tomb is also empty till today.

This is not an attack to Christianity as some of you here might start thinking, but to help us in our questioning of some things and understanding of what we are doing, why we are doing them and what has been done for us.

Praise the LORD!.

©️Orji Victor CP



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