Writer By Ukpong Aniekeme


Simply because you don't love yourself. You can't give what you don't have. If you do not respect,  value and honour yourself,  you CANNOT in capital letters love another human being. That is why you keep having broken relationships. That is why your courtship is not working. That is why your marriage is a mess! That is why no guy/lady wants to marry you. That is why you don't have admirers. That is why guys are not proposing/ladies are not interested in you. I know the devil is at work. Let's face reality and deal with what the devil is using to deal with you.


How you see yourself is the way people will see you and treat you. That's the way guys will treat you. That is the way ladies will respond to you. Do you know why the opposite sex don't find you attractive, chase you,  stay in a relationship with you or keep asking for sex so they can eat you up and throw out your bones?

1. You see yourself as unattractive. 

2. You see yourself as a failure.

3. You believe you are not smart.

4. You think you are stupid because you make simple mistakes.

5. You refuse to forgive yourself for past mistakes.

6. You always compare yourself with others and fall short.

7. You see yourself as unlovable.

8. You believe great success/wealth/fame/accomplishment is not for you.

9. You believe you do not deserve the best things of life due to your background or past mistakes.

10. You think anybody who shows you love does not really know how bad you are and is doing you favour.

The way you see yourself is the way you see others and treat them. How you treat them is the way they will treat you.

If people always disrespect you it is because you don't respect yourself.

If men always ask you for sex it is because that is the only thing you can offer.

If your partner always abuse you it is because you abuse yourself and accept abuse.


Your childhood is basically at fault then your other negative experiences in life.

1. You had very critical parents.

2. You came from an abusive background.

3. You have been molested,  abused and blamed for it.

4. No one saw anything good in you while you were growing up.

5. You get abused,  condemned over and over again over simple mistakes.

6. You were expected to be perfect etc


1. Stop comparing yourself with others. You are the best you can be.

2. Start believing in yourself.

3. Develop your passion,  gift and dreams.

4. See occasional failure as normal. Stop condemning yourself.

5. Read good books that will help.

6. Read your Bible daily and soak in everything good God says about you.

7. Say positive things about and to yourself.

8. Make positive declarations on  your life daily

When you love yourself it will be easy to love others.

Instead of seeking love from others,  love yourself first then they will be able to love you because people will treat you exactly the way you treat yourself.



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