Writer By Janet Abenga 

Everyone has a PERSONILTY TYPE, and then beyond personality type, PASSIONS. 

Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together except they be agreed?"

You must take cognizance of this when falling in love and saying I DO.

Don't marry someone with PASSIONS EXTREMELY (emphasis on extremely) different from yours.

Don't marry someone whose LIFESTYLE is a far cry from yours just because you want to be married or because they are Nice. 

Marriage works because the couple have mutual interests and similar lifestyles. 

And Marriages break and couples get pulled apart because the couple have very contrasting Passions and lifestyles that lead to arguments and fights daily. 

If you are a party type, marry a party type. 

If you are a herbalist, marry a herbalist

If you are a Marlian, marry a Marlian

If you know you love church, praying, and bible study, don't marry someone who doesn't even go to church, nor takes prayer and Bible study serious... Otherwise..... 

There's nothing as sweet as husband and Wife doing things together.

Praying Together.

Reading together.

Going to Parties together (if that's your thing) 

Rasing the kids together with a mutual life pattern and principles. .

Not one that confuses the kids.

Daddy is TEACHING/DOING one thing, Mummy is TEACHING/DOING another...

Don't Marry someone you will start forcing to change after you marry them.

Marry Well 





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