What Will You Do If You Were Given A Second Chance?


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What Will You Do If You Were Given A Second Chance?

Interesting  Article By Leon From Lifehack

Have you ever been given a second chance?

Maybe you messed up at work, or in a relationship, an opportunity...

For whatever reason, you were lucky enough to be given a second try.. a do over..

How have you done things differently? How have you made the most of that second time around?

My second chance in life came over 10 years ago, when I was at the 'peak' of my career back then.. I had just started Lifehack and boy were things moving at lightning speed!

The business was growing, the team was growing, and my responsibilities were soaring through the roof. I had also just become a dad for the first time so many things required my attention. There was so much to do, that I was spreading myself so thin.

And that was also where all the neglect and sacrifices were building up.. which eventually landed me in the hospital as I suffered from chronic back pain and woke up one day with such severe pains I couldn't move or get out of bed.

Prolonged stress and putting off seeking proper treatment led to that outcome. It was at that low in my life that I realized I had to do things differently. It wasn't about slowing down or giving up certain things.

But rather, I had to learn how to manage my responsibilities, my priorities and the way I was living my life in a new way. And that eventually led to the Full Life philosophy that I now live by where I've learned how to find balance in all aspects of my life without having to make sacrifices.

How? I've learned to focus only on what truly matters to me. The absolute must haves in my life. And that mindset shift allowed me to pave the way for future actions and my routines to change drastically.

So, I'd like you to take some time to think about what having a second chance in life means to you..

And, if you're keen to find out more about the Full Life philosophy and how it's helped me to find the clarity and focus to live a purposeful live without sacrifices, then I want to give you a FREE copy of my book - The Full Life Framework: The Essential Guide.

All you need to do, is cover the shipping costs, and it ships internationally too!

Click here to grab a free copy



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