3 Surprising Benefit Of Worrying You Can Use To Your Advantage


Hi Friend 

3 Surprising Benefits Of Worrying You Can Use To Your Advantage 

By Leon From Lifehack 

It's common that we associate worrying as a bad thing. 

Worrying gives you wrinkles and white hair! 

My mom says that... and I'm not sure about that 😅  but what has been scientifically proven, is that excessive worrying can cause stress, and affect your mental wellbeing. It can take a toll on our health. 

After all, worrying can be exhausting! But there is often a reason for why we worry. And...there are some surprising benefits to certain kinds of worrying. 

What is Worrying? 
So let's look at worrying as a whole. It's an emotional state that often motivatesbehavioral responses with the aim of reducing a threat.However, it can also involve unpleasant and persistent thoughts about the future. 

Now, what separates worry from general concern, is both its emotional nature and the fact that it gears people up for change.

So if we're able to learn how to worry "better", then it can be used to our advantage! 

Since worry is future-focused, compared to rumination about the past, there’s great potential for it to be adaptive.

Why is worrying good? 
1. By worrying about something, we are more likely to think of reasons to take action and be motivated to do something. 

2. Worry acts as a reminder to do things – in effect the unresolved uncertainty or concern keeps coming to mind as a mental process to make sure we try and tackle it. 

3. Worry can involve effective preparation, planning and problem-solving.

Suddenly worrying doesn't sound that bad does it? 

So how can we worry "better"? 
You can try the follow 3 steps to use your current worry to your advantage. 

1. Label the worry. 
Define your worry, describe what the situation is, or the thing that's troubling you. For Example: I'm worried about my sick uncle who is in the hospital. 

2. Run a mental checklist of possible actions to deal with the problem.
What are things that you can do to alleviate this problem? 
Example: I could go and visit him, to see how he's doing. When I see that he's alright, I'll feel better. 

3. If all possible actions have been taken, try to get into a state that reduces worry. 
Sometimes, you may have exhausted all your options and there is nothing left for you to do but to wait, or to hope that things get better. That doesn't mean you continue staying in a state of anxiety. 

You can try techniques like flow, mindfulness or deep breathing exercises to get your mind in a state of peace, relaxation and rest. 

Remember, worrying often comes from not knowing what is to come, and not having clarity. 

So if this is something you are struggling with at the moment, not being able to find your focus on a certain area of your life, or not having clarity about certain decisions you need to take, then why not check out this method that I always useto help me find FOCUS? 

It's always helped me to have laser focus in my priorities by setting out clear actions I can take so every step towards is clear. And when there is clarity, there is nothing to worry! 

Check out my method of finding clarity here



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