You Are From A Poor And Humble Background


You Are From A Poor And Humble Background

A Short Written Content And Very Powerful From Happy Innocent Ezem


You are proud.

You are buying luxury to impress people.

You are sleeping too much.

You are always watching TV.

You are doing if they don't greet me first I won't greet them back.

You are shy.

You can't speak or write.

You don't go out of your way to meet real people and network.

You are not following up on just gossip and celebrity news.

You are not learning any relevant or 21st century skill.

You carry BBN HMs on your head.

You can analyze the world Zeeworld.

You don't have a 5-10years plan.

You don't have a real mentor or role model.

You don't have a daily to-do list.

You live for the present forgetting the outcome.

You take alot of things for granted.

If this is you.

You are not doing well my good friend, something is wrong with your believe system honestly🤣. 

You better come to the realization that only YOU can save YOU.

You better wake up now that you are young, have energy, strong and time is still on your side.

Pikin wey no get helper suppose get sense.

Business Consultant

*Happy Innocent Ezem*

 #Happyspeaks #Under30BlackCeo #Radicalme


Happy Innocent Ezem said…
Thank you so much for featuring my post and giving me credit on your blog. God bless you, Amen.

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