Will It Work? (Part 1)


Hi Friend,  

Will It Work? (Part 1)

By  John Paul CEO For Smallstarter Business 

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How can you tell if a business idea has the potential to make money?

Some business ideas sound fantastic, but they're not realistic.

Some business ideas look good in your head and on paper, but are unlikely to work in real life.

So, how can you tell if what you have is a feasible business idea and not a fantasy?

What you're about to learn can save you a lot.

It can save you the disappointment and frustration of starting a business that is destined to fail.

It can save you the embarrassment and debt of losing the capital you've raised from friends, family, investors, or banks.

Make sure you listen to this.

In this week's episode of the Smallstarter Business Podcast, I discuss the 4 key EXTERNAL criteria a business idea should satisfy in order to make money and succeed.

This episode is only Part 1 of a 2-part series on this very important topic.

Happy learning!

Click here to listen NOW: πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

SBP 024: How To Really Know If Your Business Idea Can Make Money

Happy learning!


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