Why Having Flexible Thinking Will Make You Succeed


Hi Friend,

Why Having Flexible Thinking Will Make You Succeed 

By Leon CEO For  Lifehack 
Just how elastic is your brain?

Life as we know, is neither static nor unchanging. It’s fluid, as nothing stays the same. This year cannot be a better example! 

This also means, that it's ever so important to have "elastic thinking", or what experts would call, cognitive flexibility. 

This sort of thinking allows us to shift gears and think about something in more than one way. It may sound like we already have this sort of thinking in us, but not everyone intentionally uses it. 

Flexible thinkers consider a range of different possible consequences of their actions rather than only considering an optimistic view or only considering a pessimistic view. 

But being flexible doesn’t always mean having to give in, or saying yes either. 

What it means, is that you're able to look at things from a different perspective first, and then making a choice that is best. This is flexibility.

Flexible thinking goes beyond just having an open mind to different perspectives. It is also having the ability to adapt to new situations, break down complex tasks into bite-size chunks, improvise, and shift strategies to meet different types of challenges.

This sort of thinking definitely gives our human brain the edge over computers! 

Also, elastic minds are people who reimagine new ways to solve existing problems and create tools make things better, easier, faster and smarter. And when they’re in any situation, they can think about both long term and short term goals to make better decisions.

So how can you develop a flexible mind and be more intentional in using it?

Just carve out some time for day dreaming.. talking to people outside of your social circle.. doing something out of your comfort zone.. listening to ideas or concepts that you may actively disagree with before disregarding them.

Always try to look at everything from more than one angle, and change the context or your environment. Take a walk, take a coffee break.. try something different. 

Even exercise offers a great mental boost! 

The more you can challenge yourself to be spontaneous and allow for some new experiences, the easier it will be to integrate flexibility into your everyday life!

It's a life long skill that can help you whenever you encounter the stresses of change, allowing you to thrive and become indispensable in an ever-changing world.

So right now if there's something you've been wanting to achieve, but might not have started or have failed in the past..see how adopting this agile mindset can help you to do things differently? 

And if you need a little extra push to get started, check out this 3 week program that I've created.



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