Why Do You Work So Hard Only To Be Mediocre?

Hi Friend, 

Why Do You Work So Hard Only To Be Mediocre?

Written By Leon From Lifelack 


When I was young, I always looked up to my parents and how they lived their lives and wanted to model after them. 

What many of us have grown up believing, is that having a stable job, getting married, buying a home, a car, having a family and so on is an indication of success. 

And that's exactly what I did when I "became" an adult years later. 

But when I "grew up" and was faced with the decision of deciding whether to stay on in my stable and well paying job, or to start Lifehack, a passion that I wanted to now turn into a business..that was when I was forced to rethink my future, and everything I thought I knew. 

To stay on the safe route that my parents and many others took? Or to take the risk? 

This got me thinking about how this seems to be the 'norm' in society..what our parents may have instilled in us, or what we've seen past generations do..has always been to take the safer route. 

But I discovered that really.. that's just 'mediocrity' that we're pursuing after isn't it? In fact, that mentality is what stops us from reaching excellence. 

Anything outside of this mediocre thinking automatically becomes a big risk. And so we impose these fears on ourselves. We lose that confidence when really, we can pursue after excellence without thinking that it's going to be hard. 

So how did I discover excellence? 

I succeeded by learning how to stabilize key areas of my life. I now call this the Full Life Framework that I use to build a strong foundation in my life. It's allowed me to have a well balanced life where I need not sacrifice one for another. 

As a result, it's freed me to chase after excellence and not safety. It's allowed me to go out of the norm, and take those risks without failure. I was able to quit my stable full time job to start my own business and live out my passion. 

While still being able to support my family, be present for them, and enjoy a comfortable life. 

The 5 principles I follow from the Full Life Framework has helped me to stop choosing a life of mediocrity, and instead live a full life of excellence without having to make sacrifices. 

So I want to challenge you today, to re think your life goals and priorities! Are you working so hard for a life of mediocrity? 

And if you want to find excellence, then let the Full Life Framework guide you to getting started.



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