The Vaccine For Procastination Has Been Found


Hi Friend ,
It Leon's Work Here 
Last week I introduced you to the little known sibling of Procrastination - Precrastination! 

It's the tendency to work on tasks at the earliest opportunityβ€”even if it means more work or comes with extra costs. 

While procrastinators delay important tasks for too long, precrastinators don't delay unimportant tasks long enough! So either way, you're suffering in the long run.

Whether you're guilty of Pro or Pre- crastinating, it's something that CAN be overcome despite what many of us might think! I've even written a complete guide on how to stop procrastinating which you can check out here.

Plus, our Youtube host Justin recently did a vlog, sharing 5 solutions to overcome procrastination. There's also a FREE assessment that you can take at the end of the video, to find out why you procrastinate. So I highly encourage you to watch the video and try out the solutions for yourself! 

I'd love to hear from you too, on what you've found that has helped you to overcome Pre and/or Procrastination. 



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