You Should'nt Feel Obligated, "Why?"

 Carthage Buckley 

Hi Friends 
Scott was a client of mine from California.

He had come to me for time management coaching. 

He was ambitious, intelligent and driven; but he was incredibly disorganised.

As hard as he worked, he regularly felt like he was getting nowhere.

At the beginning of one of our first sessions, I noticed that he was in a bad mood.

When I asked why, he told me that he had just gotten back from a friend’s birthday party in New York.

He hadn’t really wanted to go and, he hadn’t enjoyed himself.

So, I asked why he had gone and received the following reply:

‘We were good friends who grew up together. We were always close as kids and it is nice to see him. I felt obliged to go.’

When I pushed him further, Scott told me the following:

  • His friend would be home in California at least once a year but they would rarely meet up during this time.
  • They rarely (every 6 months or so) exchanged calls, texts, emails or any other communication.
  • While he liked his old friend, he didn’t think he was one of the most important people in his life.

So, Scott had given up an entire weekend and a considerable amount of money to go to a party for someone who wasn’t that important in his life.

This is what happens when you are not organised.

When you are organised, you know who and what adds value to your life, and, you prioritise your resources basted upon that.

Since we worked together, Scott has made the following changes:

  • He started a Facebook group where his childhood friends can keep in touch at their convenience
  • He meets up with his old friends when they are in his town or, he is in theirs; if time permits.
  • He prioritises what is important and has stopped feeling obliged to do as others wish.

You may not fly across the country to attend a party, but are you giving your time, attention, money etc. to tasks, projects and people that don’t deserve it?

If you think you might be, then you need to get organised so that you can focus on what is truly important to you.

If you need help to get organised, you will find help here.

Have a fantastic day,



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