The Top 4 Things People Worry Most About Are...


Hi Friends, 

From Leon, lifehack
Have you heard of a "What Worries the World" list? 
It's a study conducted in 28 countries around the world, surveying people about their worries and concerns. 

And guess what are the four major worries people globally have?
  1. Financial/ Political corruption
  2. Poverty/Social Inequality
  3. Unemployment
  4. Crime and violence

Pretty interesting right? 

Do any of your current worries fall into those categories? What is worrying you most at the moment? 

If you have some time, I'd like you to make a list of 5 immediate actions you can take to change and overcome those worries. 

I'm asking you to do this because the dangers of worrying is that it eats into you if you don't do anything about it! It's always far worst than reality and so in order to be in control of your situation and not let worries consume your ability to function, we have to think about what we can do instead of what we can't do.

A couple of years ago, I had really bad back problems. I tried different treatments hoping to make it go away. I was constantly worrying about my back problem as the pain was restricting me. I was worried I'd have permanent problems walking and that my quality of life would be affected..

Eventually, I was able to snap out of that negative mindset and through a period of time, I was able to change the way I was living my life. And I realized that my back pain was just one worry or a symptom of a much larger problem. 

The reality was, that I had been leading a hectic lifestyle, where I was consumed with work and neglecting other areas of my life. But after hitting that low point in my life, I realized that I had to change my perspective about the way I wanted to live my life. 

Today, I am living a life that is focused on my life missions - the absolute priorities in my life, priorities that I cannot live without. And this is thanks to the Full Life philosophy that I follow. 

I no longer suffer from back pains as I have the time and energy to prioritize my health and fitness. 

Your worry may not be the same as mine, but the root of many worries stem from a lack of something...a fear of something..a feeling like you have no control. 


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