----By John Paul  ---for ---#africa #smallstarter🍧🍨🍪🍫
Some of my clients often complain about #disloyal employees who steal and act dishonestly. Sometimes, it's usually a honest employee who suddenly changes behavior and shocks you to your bones.

Research findings published by the #Harvard Business Review on the contagiousness of employee fraud shows that even your most honest employees become more likely to commit #fraud if they work alongside a dishonest individual. And while it would be nice to think that your honest employees would influence the dishonest employees to behave better, that’s rarely the case.

The researchers found that among co-workers, it appears easier to learn bad behavior than good. As a result, the bad behaviors of one employee spill over into the behaviors of other employees through peer effects. That's how a few malignant employees can infect the #culture of your company and turn it on its head.

They also found something rather #interesting about peer influence among employees. They found that the contagion effect is nearly twice as large if an employee meets a new co-worker with a history of misconduct and who shares the same ethnicity as him/her.

#africa #smallstarter #letsgoafrica #hr #leadership #management


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