Work And Save

By   Victor Orji - CP

_Proverbs 18:9—"He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster"_

Here we have Solomon counselling us against being slothful, lazy in work.
Slothfulness is from name Sloth, which is a name of an animal.
Sloths are tree climbers, they live, mate and give birth on trees.
They are of the size with a monkey.
They feed on leaves. Because they are so slow, even what they eat takes time to digest.

And there are many people like the slot whom it likened to a great waster.
A Great waster literally means a master of ruin or destruction. That is, having a patent right/ownership for vandalization.

Sloths and vandals are birds of a feather: chiefs of mismanagement.
They rank high in throwing away valuable things. Because they are so slow to spot/discover opportunities or ideas. They waste the opportunities, resources, and they destroy communal assets.
They waste and mismanage:-
Lives and
even Food.

Child of God, it is time we stop wasting anything good and valuable God has brought into our lives and start saving them.
Save, Save and Save
Give life and continue to give life.
Wastage leads to poverty and destruction while saving leads to abundant and success.
Saving keeps us from trouble/evil:

_"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil" (Eph.5:16)

God bless us all as we continue to work to promote everything good God brought our way and our Church ZOE GOSPEL CHURCH INT'L in Jesus name Amen.

Pastor Orji Victor CP
The Lead Pastor/President


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