Perils Of Lack And Loss Of Vision

By Godwin Chibuike
The scriptures made it clear!
"Where there is no vision the people perish"

Vision can simply mean your God ordained purpose or plan for your life.
Vision can mean your well drawn out blueprint or master plan for your life.
Vision can also mean the mental picture of your future. (What you want to do. Who you want to become and where you want to be in life)

When Visions Are Lost

1. People become d center of your discussion (even on d pulpit).
2. You join bad group as to meet up
3. You become a "bornagain" gossip
4. You live in isolation of others
5. You poke nose into people's private life uninvited
6. Loss of vision can lead to false prophecy
7. Loss of vision makes you a critic and analyzer of other people's lives and activities without giving your own life attention.
8. Lack of vision increases appetite for food without working
9. A person that has lost his vision claims to know everything yet does nothing
10. Lack of vision is d mother of laziness and much sleep.
11. A person of no vision will definitely beg in his old age
12. Loss of vision hatches poverty
13. Wen vision is lost no project is ever completed.

May you never lose your vision in life


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