3 premium about book

3 Premium About Book

By  Chibuzor Michael 

Folks that study are great leaders and tenaciously manage leadership well, it wonderfully amazing. I can't live each day without grasping a  book, put it on my table to read, it part of my life and I enjoy doing it. Look, when you study  for a day your life Will never  remain the same in two - year time,  that is,  if you  put to practice what the author  said  and other references of great people he or she will mention in the book. I read one verse over and over again until I understand perfectly before I could execute what the author meant. When you read you live above your peers and you can't be equal with them. 
Let surf three premium about book.

1 Reading: 

thread secret of men are kept in the book not public, said HY shekwoduza.
The book you  connect with while reading looks like you when you execute the plans in that book the author said, I said earlier above the content.
You can't be poor, you can't be naive, you can't lack vital information while reading, you grow mentally, socially ,spritually,healthy, and more educating among your peers all, do not fail to read each day of your life.

2 learn or understand:

 some folks read very enough but do not understand, I have learn if I do not understand any course at all I flip back and  read more so I understand better or better still I go asking questions for clarification sake, that's great deal ever.

3 practice or implement what you have learn:

 that's where we are failing many of us. We have done the two premium above but we failed to do this very last one, and that's where the success comes from. I took a step early enough and go submitting business proposal to companies, am practicing and so do you, what are you waiting for? You went for catering school and got certificate nice one and sure about securing good job to any eatery or Mr bigz joint, but should you fold your arms and watch for the job to come for you? oo no! Put your papers in order and go visiting eateries places for interview  you shall get the job. And that is a good example for practice or implementing.
Chibuzor Michael Onah 
@ cbaylandplusonline.blogspot.com


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