Three successors reveals a flame fire for selling anything to anyone

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contents partners and expressed by successful entrepreneurs

Nothing happens without a sale. Believe it or not, you’re a salesperson — whether you’re convincing your kids to do their homework, putting your best foot forward for a job interview, or running a business. We asked these sales ninjas and Advisors in the oracle  how to become the best salesperson alive. Here’s what they said.

1 . Focus on your mindset and beliefs.

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by written and directed Katrina Ruth

In my experience building a business to multiple seven figures, success is 100 percent mindset and beliefs. You need strategy too, but that follows. Cultivate the belief that you can sell anything to anyone. Decide that you only sell with integrity, knowing that what you’re selling is of great service and value. Then do the work to bring that belief to life.

When you fail success, will you try again?
Messaging is my primary form of marketing. Your message should connect people to what they believe and what matters to them. When we hear something true from another person’s soul, we have an emotional response. So, believe that you can sell anything to anyone, that you should, and that it’s the right thing to do. Then follow through with aligned action. It’s more effective and fun this way! — 

I meet a millionaire and he thought me three lesson
Katrina Ruth, founder and CEO of   ' The  Katrina Ruth show'
2. Ask the right questions.
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 written and directed by Keri Shull

Being an exceptional salesperson is about asking the right questions, followed by more of the right questions. It’s that simple. You must care about how your potential customer feels about themselves and the world. Only then can you improve their lives with whatever you’re selling — and that’s what sales is all about. —Keri Shull, founder of the    'keri shull team'
Take advantage of video.
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 written and directed by Patch Baker

You don’t always need to negotiate a million-dollar contract in person, but you shouldn’t do it over the phone. My secret: video calls. I’ve closed deals for more than $1 million over Skype. When you can see the other person’s demeanor, gestures, and facial expressions, you can be more open and clear than you could be over the phone. I can see if they’re taking notes, confused, or distracted; if so, I’ll pause and make sure they’re ready to continue. Video calls help build a relationship when you can’t meet face-to-face.
You have to win friends and influence people quickly, but don’t force it. If I resonate with the person, great. But if I don’t feel comfortable with them on a video chat, I won’t work with them. Visual contact and clear communication is key. It’s so simple, but so effective.  founder and CEO of     mobius media solution.  


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