What can you say 2019 gonna be? Prof. Denis Ikechukwu Chukwuemeka had declared

By Michael C. Onah
Can i say something? what's that you've been asking GOD for in last year 2018, what's that makes you cry all night probably you've eventually soaked your bed or mat with your uncontrollable tears?
say anything at all, any thing it could be.
you know what? shift those good tidings to 2019. could you ever think something tangible? could delays a miracle for you for a reason, but its delay its in your life it never a denial for you, remain in check, because GOD will do a new thing in your life and he will do those things you've been asking for which he has not done all this times, he will fulfill them for you. can i here you say amen!
And again this year declared OUR YEAR FOR ALL TIME MIRACLE by founder NHGCC

Prof. Denis Ikechukwu Chukwuemeka
And his beautiful wife
photos of worshipers of National Holy Ghost Church Of Christ
I am by name Chibuzor Michael Onah the CEO and founder of cBAYLand. To the best of my knowledge i have not seen much yet in life, but i have read all manner of faced books both in marriage, relationship, business and lots more not just mention; this equipped me and made me who i am today.And above all else, I have sit and dine with great men that had position me too well by their good counsel, people like bishop victor orji, Mr Jordan; i call him 'my rich dad' and more of them , i can attest the fact that i am not at 0% but at least 99.9% i give Almighty God the glory not by my own power but his own making. And lastly my aim is to build and put in men the entrepreneur spirit for some of them who think they cannot make it any longer in life.
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