Dollars Poverty quotes and made them mention

          Image result for photo of poverty people
  By  Michael C. Onah
I detest poverty all  my heart and all my life, in fact it irritate all my body, do you know why? Poverty is not meant for you and I, it’s meant for lazy minded souls who refuses to do something incredible tight with their hands to earn a living in life. Give loafer poverty and chose smart work and become rich all the days of your life. It funny, great men have nothing to do with the poor some of them only turn them to a slave and use them to achieve more of their dreams, off course you don’t have to become one. Do diligently go to work; no matter the impediment and challenges of life you will win someday just  keep on shutting the bird, it not over fallen until it falls down the tree  then you can go pick it up.

Right from the day I got sense into my brain I detest poverty all of my life not even until death
Chibuzor M. Onah
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Poverty it a cursed word for lazy minded folks
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Chibuzor M. Onah

When you stand to a great personality he or she back off poverty and front to wealth
Chibuzor M. Onah
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Poverty it an terminal disease
Chibuzor M. Onah
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Poverty has no brother no sister; it comes around to whosoever that wants it
Chibuzor M. Onah
   I am by name Chibuzor Michael Onah the CEO and founder of cBAYLandplus. To the best of my knowledge  i have not seen much yet in life, but i have read all manner of faced books  both in marriage, relationship, business and lots more not just mention; this equipped me and made me who i am today.And above all else,  I have sit and dine with great men that had position me too well by their good counsel, people like bishop victor orji, Mr Jordan; i call him 'my rich dad' and more of them , i can attest the fact that i am not at 0% but  at least 99.9% i give Almighty God the glory not by my own power but his own making. And lastly my aim is to build and put in men the entrepreneur spirit for some of them who think they cannot make it any longer in life.
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Do not ever come around to a lazy person because the person can kill
Chibuzor M. Onah

Poverty stand at the front door  and knock to whosoever that refuse to work
Chibuzor M. Onah

 A poor person have no hope; when he or she thinks all is gone
Chibuzor M. Onah

Poverty is the second mother to destruction to dead
Chibuzor M. Onah

When you’re poor  you’re nothing
Chibuzor M. Onah

Poverty makes one to look older than his age
Chibuzor M. Onah

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 Give loafer poverty and chose smart work and become rich all the days of your life
Chibuzor M. Onah

It funny great men have nothing to do with the poor some of them only turn them to a slave and use them to achieve more of their dreams
Chibuzor M. Onah
 Image result for photo of poverty

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By Michael C. Onah.(author)
Twitter: cBAYLand


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