Lovely mother’s quotes to her children.

Image result for photo of mother and kids
  By Michael C.Onah
Lovely mother’s quotes written and directed  by Michael C.Onah. I have studied enough and figured out the real mothers  duties in the life of her children It totally incredible. How sweet and caring mother’s are . 

Women do not leave your baby in the hands of maid

And   just permit me to say something, ‘mothers are the bread winners at home and most especially in children’s affairs’. A mother can do anything,  absolutely anything for her child’s thrive in something he or she wants to do like  good stuff. Let briefly see some wonderful mother’s quotes.

It night fall and the moon breaks the universe  when we sit together round circle I tell  story why the tortoise had broken bark.
Image result for photo of mother and children playing in living room
Michael C.Onah

It better I falls sick than my child carries the pain.
Image result for photo of mother and children playing in living room
Michael C.Onah

I have always known the date of my  child birth but none have ask ‘mum when were you born?’. I am also given  birth by a mother like you have.
Image result for photo of mother and children playing in living room
Michael C.Onah
   I am by name Chibuzor Michael Onah the CEO and founder of cBAYLandplus. 

Top Americans leaders and there quotes
To the best of my knowledge  i have not seen much yet in life, but i have read all manner of faced books  both in marriage, relationship, business and lots more not just mention; this equipped me and made me who i am today.And above all else,  I have sit and dine with great men that had position me too well by their good counsel, people like bishop victor orji, Mr Jordan; i call him 'my rich dad' and more of them , i can attest the fact that i am not at 0% but  at least 99.9% i give Almighty God the glory not by my own power but his own making. And lastly my aim is to build and put in men the entrepreneur spirit for some of them who think they cannot make it any longer in life.

Romantic and lovely quotes


I stay very awake until they retire to bed, I sleep. I have
 wake up  very early before they do.

Michael C.OnahImage result for photo of children sleeping

It nine month carried in the womb, it another years nurturing them until they are grown.
Image result for photo of mother giving birth
Michael C.onah

I bully with understanding, I save with wisdom.
Image result for photo of mother and children playing in living room
Michael C.Onah

I won’t stay just idle should daddy temper recklessly  to my children because I took the pains in nine month and he never knew how I bare the child, keep off.
Image result for photo of mother and children playing in living room
Michael C.Onah


Chibuzor Michael Onah said…
what can you say again reachly?
Chibuzor Michael Onah said…
whats your mother loved quotes she loves so much calling you?
please we need your urgent attention.

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