9 Things that can get a woman upset and threaten to kill her husband.
Michael C.Onah
really happening life not a say story without prove, while a lady stab her
husband to dead because he had flirt around with a lady at the bar one night
when he arrived late home. You can imagine most times guys brought whole of
this mess to themselves and they faced it to an end. But for the woman that
shouldn’t make you move on that expensive way, there are better ways handling
such case in life. Let discus ways they threaten killing them.
Staying late at night
didn’t just strike a balance the guy is doing something funny or probably
cheating on her with another girl behind closed door, could you ever thought as
a lady he might have had a hectic day after work and he decides go
somewhere like an eatery joint or spending quality time with his colleges
at the bar? It should ring in your ears first not jumped into conclusion yet;
you’re just been too fast take it easy and understand him. Could it be it your
first time ever since you get married to her staying late at night and that’s
the reason why she can harbor this thought in her mind.
Relationship is not by force but by choice
Relationship is not by force but by choice
women are just been too sensitive and when the whole thing begins they start
over reacting instead of to remain calm to figure out things well and. Let me
quickly brief you this life story,
guy hanged around with his first new girl friend keeping his wife so bored at
home after all flirting and had quality times at theTifani garden
together, then on every one dispatch to his or her destination late at
night.Immediately he had drove in into the compound while the gate man
had banged the gate on key and lock; he sluggishly walked into the veranda tend
opening the door in into the pallor while the long waiting woman had stunned
on him at his neck-tie as if she knew who just walked in.
the problem? The man asked so tired.
she replied
leave my tie’.
what kept you so long till 1 pm first attempt ever we had got married?’
thought you want to fight me’.
intend to but I forced my self-remained calm, so tell me.’
had enough clients in my office after that I decide to move out with them to a
nearby restaurant and took something very refreshing’. He said.
hope you’re not too satisfied because your food is on the dining table’, she
had menaced.
really I go eat’.
help you with your briefcase into the bed room’, she said and collected it
while both walked upstairs.
you have learned something from this short story? He did flirt in the time in
marriage but the woman believed in his story and never too got upset his
arrival late at night. She understood. Some women are not that type of a person
it might be suspicious his late arrival, but she wants to hear he’s flirting
around with ladies outside. You insisted now tell me, how possible will that be
if he tells you the gospel truth? Of course he’s not a kid, so give him more
chance or time but don’t track on him. Quite sure some men flirt around no ten
doubt about it some women are sure their husbands does that and they deserve it
the insults they’ve got from their wives may be it can make them change their
Coming back with used condoms
watched a nolly hood movie some time back, where a guy visited his girlfriend
and after all the push and Hmmm they’ve done for like thirty minutes,
they lady have had asses to his pocket and put the balloon inside... When he
drove off, the girl had to put a call across to the woman that her husband has
a condom in his pocket, she hung the phone to no further explanation even when
the woman tried calling back she didn’t pick her calls. When he returned home
his wife had burst on him although she was sitting right on a wheel chair while
she tried standing the pains in her kneels would not let her.
thought you loved me, I never knew you’re such a callous husband. Look at what
you brought home, how many times have you done this to me ever since I
sustained an accident? Only give me flimsy reasons on bed while you had turned
back on me to sleep’. She had cried and couldn’t just stop.
am sorry, am not just myself again, okay fine I promise tomorrow we will do it
at a length’.
it! Not me, go meet her as for me I’m done with the marriage’, she said and
rolled the wheel away to the kitchen, and he had followed her begging.
It immaturity and unwise a man coming back home with a used condom in his
pocket, of what reason doing so? Do you want to jeopardize your marriage just
like that man did I just then explained in the book? Some men are very much
careful while flirting because some ladies only have intention to spoil
their marriage they have built when they come in contact with them.
Keeping another woman outside
is where the whole burden stays, keeping in a corner and servicing her when
necessary, what did you see in her that makes you gripe her so tight? Of what
value to you? As I’m concern she’s the best. What beauty? She’s an angel. What
cooking? Your wife does the best intercontinental dish you can ever think of.
In satisfaction in bed? Of course most time you will be the one begging it
enough. So why are you after the beach outside not your wife? All these
questions I’ve posed on the men, go tight corner and think about it. Look it
takes years building a solid home and it takes just mere micro-second spoil the
whole things you’ve built over the years. A lot of marriages in the beginning
it was going heart of gold not until the man had shifted one side everything
had stumbled.
ladies are the devils we cast and lose all the times, you know his married and
you want him to be your guy, you want him to passed by your house and say hello
to you after work. She’s just be friend simply because of something she wants
to gain or gaining in his life she’s just a gold-digger.
having an affair outside the home Mr. Leonard not until his wife notice a
strange movement and some hidden calls he does lately at night most a times.
I’ve gave you my whole heart, this is how you paid back?’
I’m sorry’.
caught you both this evening kissing. I knew something is wrong and you’ve
here me out…’
touch me. I’ll tell your parents about it,’
no don’t do this to me’.
your hands off me’.
the begging it sweet but at the end it will be bitter and devastating, so
remain chesty your marriage and home.
Bad associates
always told my husband, he should stay a hell away from dread company but
he wouldn't listen to me and, now look at what he has caused himself?
A woman shared with a professor in counseling unit at his office about her
problem at garki to be precise area 11 Chamcity.
them, they keep forcing me all the time to join their secret group but I’ve
always dispute their hurts words on me and not until one night my phone rang on
my dining table I picked and it was one of their group lamenting and pleading
with me I should come carry his epileptic sister to the hospital at 11 pm. And
finally I realized it a set up on me; they beat me up like black and white when
I got there’, he said groaning in pains the man.
few marriages have gone doomed earnestly because of this bad stuff. A married
man can be responsible too well to his wife but as soon as he belong he
changed everything about him. I’ll teach you this few things what bad
associates can cause.
to cult
late elsewhere not your matrimonial home
on your spouse you don’t suppose to. All these I just then mentioned boils down
on keeping bad companies.
dinned with them so I know how influential they are, just keep off
because it will do you no good.
Drink to stupor
never knew he’s a drunkard not until after our marriage precisely
twenty-one-day, I can see it is through his facial look. Just one night he had
come back home and he knocked at the door, I hurriedly opened because I’ve
missed him terribly, suddenly he grasped on me I thought it a foreplay or
something not until I noticed he’s drunk smelling like a soured liquid milk
that last for ten-month so on kept; I had to forced myself off his arms I ran
to rest room to spite out and so I joined my kids cooking in the kitchen, he
slept on the cushion the night’.MRS. Gary nagged seriously to her councilor at
wuse-two to be precised barnez plaza.
moderately not to destruction or start misbehaving; people will call you names
if such happened, yourself esteem and prestige is gone.
Telling her lies
never knew he’s a drunkard not until after our marriage precisely
twenty-one-day, I can see it is through his facial look. Just one night he had
come back home and he knocked at the door, I hurriedly opened because I’ve
missed him terribly, suddenly he grasped on me I thought it a foreplay or
something not until I noticed he’s drunk smelling like a soured liquid milk
that last for ten-month so on kept; I had to forced myself off his arms I ran
to rest room to spite out and so I joined my kids cooking in the kitchen, he
slept on the cushion the night’.MRS. Gary nagged seriously to her councilor at
wuse-two to be precised barnez plaza.
moderately not to destruction or start misbehaving; people will call you names
if such happened, yourself esteem and prestige is gone.
Telling her lies

beginning to notice some treads In you unlike before you’re truthful, don’t let
her change her mind towards you because if she do, it’s going to be rare to
start afresh believing in you again.
Have I lied
to you before? Yes. But it ought to change, I mean say the truth she won’t hurt
you. You might think if you tell her the truth she will be furious with you,
not really. Good women don’t do that in fact they loved you most if you say the
gospel truth she’s trusting in you and your words in total.
7 Weak in
A lot of
marriages have grumbled because of the thing. Their sexual life is nothing to
write home about, the man can’t perform well his primary duty on the bed; she
complained bitterly like:
don’t even last well with me again, you just play a five minute and you said:
tired next time.’
‘I’m seek
and tired you’, she shout on her lungs feeling like beating him up.
Sexing a
woman makes her fell happy, she then believed in you you’re strong enough
anytime we retire to bed. Please toughen up guys just do it well or better
still seek for solution about it.
Unfulfilled promises
flattering their whole strength, you promised her for something while
you’re out for work and she hopefully depends on it that you’ll come back with
it may be something happened and you couldn’t make it. Bet me she’ll get
seriously upset with you, you’re not going to have good rest all the night
nagging on your head you might decides to come down up stairs for a rest and
she’ll follow you with her trouble. The only way to escape this is always try
to fulfill every dime promise you’ve made on her because you’re in-depth, so do
it fast.
Going to club-
minds don’t tend to visit clubs, it only meant for immature folk. I’ve always
say this to my students; when you visit a clubbing center, it what your eyes
don’t suppose to see you’ll see, it what your ears don’t suppose to hear
you’ll, it what your mouth don’t suppose to talk you’ll and it what your hands
don’t suppose to touch you’ll; that life style is bad. As a matured person you
have claimed, why don’t you do the clubbing with your family at home? Or don’t
you think it’s the best? Must you go out alone? Or with your friends?
Don’t you think your wife is the best? There are most special thing to you in
life, losing them is losing your life. Clubbing is meant for immature minds not
mature folk.
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