That apology is not sign of weakness in a relationship.

Image result for photo of a guy apologising to his girl         
 By Michael C.Onah

           A friend of my approached me in a supermarket where I’ve  worked before as a manager some time back, I could just be sitting lonely in a tight corner calculating my sales book over yesterday sales, when he said to me:
‘I don’t really know what’s happening to me  my new relationship, I’m really confused, I can’t even  think straight please help me out,’ he said moody and dropped his Goldberg can-drink on top the freezer. I’ve looked on  his face really he is into the mess, I said:
‘You can only calm your nerves system so we can talk reasoning well as guys, I know you want an advice from me, isn’t?’
‘So brief me the whole of the story’.
‘I’ve wronged Angela my new girlfriend, I’ve not been frequent communicating with her like before I used to; no  phone calls and no warmth visit at her office or at home not until I did yesterday she bounced my calls  like five  times  I’ve been reaching on her. late hour I drove off to her residence while I got there, I knocked at the door she opened and I walked in and sat on a plastic sit even before she ask for it, she just welcome me well with a pure heaven wine inside a glass cup right on the glass table in fact I’ve enjoyed her little stay with her but when I’ve approached her for apology my mouth became very heavy I started shared in my tears…’
‘Just then that?’ I asked.
‘Yes’, he replied seeping his drink.
‘You’re too emotional type’, I have stated.
‘What?’ He surprised looking in to my eyes.
‘What about Angela?’ I asked.
‘Shortly she joined me, the crying spree.’
‘This is whole bunch. Who then consoled each other?’
 â€˜I did of course’, he replied.
We couldn’t finish our conversation when a customer walked in looking around what to buy,
I just said:
‘Pend for now, may be later,’ he left to his portion.
In my brief real story we’ve comprehend something apology, I said something; he’s too emotional and really he is, not until after my transaction done with the man he had rushed on me to say he is an emotional type person. But in a real sense of it apology can derive unexpected tears of yours most times if you’re at fault, me personally I don’t share like tears or is it because I don’t have any one yet in my arms? May be. When I wrong someone known or unknown when I want to apologize, I’ve always have one unique stuff in me, I easily instigate one but I’ll always render an apology immediately to whosoever I’ve done wrong  even before you ask for it. While unknown if I noticed from you we don’t communicate too well like we used to before I quickly say forgive me or you’ve beginning to stay away from me I will also just do the same thing, I still remain who I am in fact it had add something new inside of me; it is nothing to say ‘no I won’t apologize’ but is something to say ‘I am sorry’.
When you apologize your wrong doing to someone you’ve wronged or something it there means you admit your fault and you’re willing to say ‘I am sorry’, it shows sign of respect to you and the recipient who accepted your apology. For some folk it so difficult for them to say ‘I am sorry’ when they know they’ve done wrong to a lady may be they wants to marry. That reminds me of a book I browsed some time back title ’things I wished I’d known before we got married’ by Gary Chapman. A content of his griped my heart ‘that apology is a sign of strength.’ He said in that verses that he is not type that says ‘I am sorry’ he said he learned that from his father not until he had a problem with Karolyn his wife and for some days they’ve not been communicating freely like a husband and wife no one is willing to admit fault or say ‘I am sorry’ just into down spiral. Now the days passed on he had summoned courage to break the silence first to her, he did and has won the heart of Karolyn. She’s merely ready to forgive, you she could just be interesting waiting for the first approach of the guy then she forgives, they are soft kind and too emotional .You could get the best hug you’ve never gotten ever since you starting friendship, leaping up and down her nerves, just you said, ‘I am sorry’.
Gary had learned a lesson of his life in the theological school he had enrolled attending while all of this was happening in his home, he learned confessing wrongs and repent from them all and turn a new leave just like he did after that touch in the seminar.
Let talk about unknown wrong,
Little time you have sacrifice spending with her, you’ve touched her emotion and hurt her pride, you could just have known immediately not until she start reacting so funny and you picked up interest fast enough to know what’s really happening.
‘Why didn’t you pick my calls?’ He asked.
‘Nothing’, she replied pouring a look on his face that she can’t get off it.
‘So you intentionally pend my calls? He striped one step foot behind.
‘Yea baby’.
‘You must have something inside and you don’t want to share with me please tell me baby’, he went on his kneel.
‘Eh, no gift on my birthday…’
‘Oh my God, please I forgot believe me it just escaped my memory, forgive…He had rose on his kneel while she gave him a helping hands.
‘Not until I got little from your friend’s; people I never thought they could issue me such wonderful stuff’, she sounds tearfully.
‘Baby don’t cry, it not my fault I forgot; ok I promise you tonight I will take you out, deal.’
‘Like dead’, she nodded.
‘Serous’, he nodded too.
Come see romantic hug, she had given to him like it been many years they set eyes on each other, like feelings of nostalgia in the air.
 Image result for photo of a romantic love
‘I’ll be concise and I let you know some dialects you can use for apology at the cause of my research ; like reading of books and going through online and attending seminars lot more I have found done for you.

      Just 6 dialects for stick love
1 Take charge for every spoil thing on the ground-

                       Image result for photo of spoil item

                     You’re quite responsible for anything you’ve caused her at the period of not say ‘I am sorry’ could you just explain the whole thing to her but before then ‘admit your mistakes’ I knew her birthday in fact she told me the night before dinner we departed to our destination. And solely I forgot due to some certain reasons like ‘I took my grand mum to the hospital for her medical checkup on the running temperature in nature. And not until she refuses picking up my calls and went to her house for inquire.  
I’ll be realistic to her even if she had called me the day her birth day, I wouldn’t have fulfilled leaving my grand ma alone I would just stay with her when everything is done I’ll take my bike to the venue celebrating. When you’re apologizing, make her understand such stuff will never happen again with assurance and try keeping to your promise responsible. And she will know this time it never going to repeat itself again.

2 Change of character to authentic-
 Image result for photo of catching fun a guy and lady
Your apology should strike to be on an extreme like if possible buy her a gift letting her know you’ve expensively changed just for good and for her as well. You still loved her and you still care about her that’s why you issued her a gift in her hands,
‘This not Donald of yesterday but real one today and this is my change, I just want you back in my life’. You can go this extreme this way:
‘I’ll soon introduce you to my parents,’ you’ve sounds like never before.
‘What?’ she leaped up with thrill letting the gift on the ground.
‘Baby you’re pulling my legs’.
‘I’m pulling your waist. I’m dead serious about it’.
‘Thanks a lot. You’re really making me like a married woman’.
‘You’re welcome’.
You see she had so soon forgotten all past wrongs and now looking up to the future, it ought to be so.

3 Go out and catch fun-

      Image result for photo of catching fun a guy and lady
Catching fun with her elsewhere  is like saying good  bye to all wrongs you’ve done known and unknown to her while she sees the beauties of life, she could just see a robot at the love garden control by some kids and she will be so amazing to stay and watch gladly for a long-term. When giving each order in mouth your continental dishes you’ll like to say,
‘Baby I am so sorry for my wrongs’.
‘What wrong?’ She asked pending the glass of 5alive juice on the table.
‘I was unable to come at the party last night like I promised, you remember?’
‘Oh big guy it nothing, okay I’ve forgiven you’, she said seeping her drink, while the guy busy watching the lcd 50 inch sport news on the wall.
4 Ask forgiveness-

   Image result for photo of say i am sorry to a lady
Simple bend your head and say I’m sorry you’re not too big for that, it can’t take an inch of you like your ego or self-esteem it will even put more something better inside of you, you’re responsible enough, you’re matured and you think straight just that. I’ve always come across some guys who told me they can’t say sorry to their girlfriend or better still they change another one. I say to them this is how you keep on changing and offending them until you guide your tongue well buy saying ‘ I am sorry’. Some of them now are reaping the seed they’ve planted negatively and some that hide to my instruction are doing wonderfully well because they’ve learned how to say ‘I am sorry’.
5 Show sadness-

    Image result for photo of say i am sorry to a lady
‘Like oh my God! Why did I do that for? Where have been my mind? My jewel I’m deeply sorry for my outburst and what I’ve made you passed through pains, I misbehaved total’.
‘I have forgiven you and half percent what I’ve caused you insane to have done harm to me,’ she said, given him a charming love look at his face.
‘You’re welcome’. That is all nothing like more than this in a relationship just ‘sadness’ and you’ve said it your apology and it accepted.
6 Pay it back as just simple-

          Image result for photo of romantic gift
Make acutely restitution by words and by materials stuff,
By words, I have been clamoring it like forever in this book just say ‘I am sorry’  and that settles it for life.
By materials stuff, visit any nearby supermarket and purchase good gifts very enticing or better still she can follow you and she place her order for the item just as that you’re making her happy and her sadness will turn into joy, she will be happy with you.


Chibuzor Michael Onah said…
why most we say sorry to each other
Chibuzor Michael Onah said…
tell what get you angry so much your guy.
share with us we are waiting

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