6 secrets of closing early to work

Image result for photo of people going to work          
      By Michael C. Onah
Some people don’t really know how it feels closing early at work. It something very incredible and so tight you can imagine, I have sometimes come back late to work and it really telling on me and I have most times come back early to work I feel like… I will teach you something so you can learn and practice too all to your benefits.
1 Go home and rest your nerves system against the next day

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 Quite very sure, too much stress makes you look older than your age; if you say your age is 25 and facially you look 45 it nothing more than too much stress of yours.  Sometime back I was opportune to attend a business seminar my rich dad invited me. After the end of the meeting; I approached him as we sat on a plastic chairs facing one another. He had boost out a fresh topic that say, ‘health longevity’ talking to me and he said confidently that he is 64. First of all I ran out of words, I was just mute staring at him and he was doing same thing too on me with a brief smile on his face waiting for me to break the silence.
‘What?’ He did broke the silence first.
‘It’s nothing sir’, I nodded.
‘I mean the  look on your face’. He said.
‘Nothing’, I nodded again.
‘Or you don’t believe me? He asked again with a flinched.
‘Funny boy’, he said, and laughed all to his best just soon I had followed him the laughing spree.
‘But sir it true what you’ve just shared with me?’ I have said widened eyed.
‘Of course’.
‘You look like 52 in my eyes’, I said.
 He is much younger than his age. Looked fresh, stronger just everything about him amazes me. You see some people look 35 facially but not really their age,  20 or 25 their  exact age; why? some of them couldn’t just follow the principle of close early to work, and they end up stress up their  nerves system . This is just the simple scenario I drop for you on this book.
‘What’s the secret sir?’ I asked further.
‘The secret is rest well, I mean your nerves system and secondly eat early so it digest well before you retire to be’, he had dropped the bomb shell on me.
2 Do your house work early and retire to bed early

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Benjamin Franklin said: â€™early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’. This is real one; some people retire late to bed and wake up so late in the morning perhaps it can attract penalty in their place of work if they fall not to come early; it very unfortunate I mean it a wrong priority doing. When your appointment letter clearly stated  3pm or 4… on dote, why don’t you go home and do your job so  early and then you can retire very early to bed and wake up early too? Most you sit and gossip? Most you stand with your friends and say all the bla-bla-bla? please go… look, your health matters a lot, when you sleep very early it add meanings to your life too long and that’s what Benjamin meant.

3 So you can wake up early as possible

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When you wake up so early the next morning  you can have much time to do the house chores for example if you are a mother ; your kids have to go to school early. When you wake up you start attending to them like: prepare their noodle, fry egg, yam, plantain or iris potato and tea. And so on you bath them and help them put on their school wears, just nothing more than that. It very easy that way so you can meet up with order opportunities out there.
4 You can prepare  your dinner on time

Image result for photo to prepare dinner
 For instance when you’re  a married person, it portrait you a good woman when you finish cooking dinner on time nothing much more than that, it  secures a man in his home and  he will always be happy, he won’t chase other damsels outside or have a conflict with his wife. It whole bunch nice when you close early to work you come back home and fix something delicious on  time to eat  also energetic enough to retire  well  on bed.
5 Other  appointments somewhere else to catch up with

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So fast enough may be you want to go to weekly activity in the  church or for prayer and counseling. Or maybe you want to go check on your dress if your stylist is done with it or go visit a patience in the hospital just more reasons. You have the chance and the whole of the time onto you to .
6 You walk home with your colleagues on same path way

                 Image result for photo to walk home with your friend
 You’re quite responsible for anything you’ve caused her at the period of not say ‘I am sorry’ could you just explain the whole thing to her but before then ‘admit your mistakes’ I knew her birthday in fact she told me the night before dinner we departed to our destination. And solely I forgot due to some certain reasons like ‘I took my grand mum to the hospital for her medical checkup on the running temperature in nature. And not until she refuses picking up my calls and went to her house for inquire.  
I’ll be realistic to her even if she had called me the day her birth day, I wouldn’t have fulfilled leaving my grand ma alone I would just stay with her when everything is done I’ll take my bike to the venue celebrating. When you’re apologizing, make her understand such stuff will never happen again with assurance and try keeping to your promise responsible. And she will know this time it never going to repeat itself again.
2 Change of character to authentic-
You feel hell tired after work and sometimes you became annoyed and bored working alone in the middle of the road at late hour. In my  place of work I trek back home sometimes  alone, I felt so bad and my mind begin to arouse with negative thoughts like: what a stressful work? I hate it with passion, I don’t like it again, oh my goodness when are my going to secure a better job? You see I’ve woken up with discouragement behind close door. But when you walk with your colleagues probably you’re coming from a far distance home; you enjoy it walking, chatting cracking fun jokes and most times you won’t  even know when you’ve both got home and it now stress free.

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By Michael C. Onah.(author)
Twitter: cBAYLandplus
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Chibuzor Michael Onah said…
Benjamin Franklin said: ’early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’.
Chibuzor Michael Onah said…
what happen you don't close early to work?
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