250 knowledge I’ve got and I’d wished you’ve known too, reading books.
By Michael C. Onah
Life experiences you’ve
got is credited to what you’ve learned in life, it really incredible when you found
yourself doing brand new stuff none have ever known before and folks are too
keen to learn from you is awesome. I’ll then
take you to what I’ve acquired the knowledge in me…
How to make money at home with computer or pc
How to invest in lucrative business like shares mutual funds and stocks
How to tutor audience online and offline
New cooking experience like intercontinental dish
How to play games on line and off line
How to create links from your site to other social media like face book, twitter or instagram and you’re making your cool money.
Doing business online or sending and receiving cashless by operating with POS machine, AT machine or SMART/ODD PHONES
Writing textures like business books, poem, riddle/joke, stories, novel, articles and letters like informal and formal
Music; singing wide abroad
What’s your net worth? Ranking your asset to the known world telling them all what you’ve got it very important in life; it brings honor, respect and also your self-esteem grows like a new lay out does while right there in the mother’s womb.
Playing instruments like gutter box, key board, drum kit etc
Dancing step like one corner, shoki step, azonto.
How to read books like the bible, stories novels, etc
- ***
How to read books online
How to down load PDF online
How to down load song online
How to down load movie online
- ***
- I am by name Chibuzor Michael Onah the CEO and founder of cBAYLand. To the best of my knowledge i have not seen much yet in life, but i have read all manner of faced books both in marriage, relationship, business and lots more not just mention; this equipped me and made me who i am today.And above all else, I have sit and dine with great men that had position me too well by their good counsel, people like bishop victor orji, Mr Jordan; i call him 'my rich dad' and more of them , i can attest the fact that i am not at 0% but at least 99.9% i give Almighty God the glory not by my own power but his own making. And lastly my aim is to build and put in men the entrepreneur spirit for some of them who think they cannot make it any longer in life.
How to watch movie on youtube
How to convert a document into PDF using Microsoft word
How to dress cult and look presentable before the world
How to ride a car not an airplane
How to make traditional soup like bitter leaf, eguci, white soup, Ghana soup, ewedu soup etc
How to prepare fufu meal
How to prepare maize meal
How to prepare gari meal
How to prepare decent amala meal
How to produce fruits salad
How to make local drink like cunu, giger nut milk, soya milk etc
How to produce fruits drinks like, orange, pine apple, mango, paw-paw etc
Baking snacks like queen’s cake, fish row, etc
How to save money in the bank
How to spend money wisely
How to amend broken relationship in marriage or before marriage
Making of meat kebab, yam fritter, or suyer not shawamer
How to spend quality times with friends influential…
How to talk well or good manner way
How to listen to tutors while teaching
How to keep an influential mentors in my life
Bike, selling them in bulks after done importation like : scooter, power bike etc
That my most heart desire I’ll do Hospital like: a clinic, or a massive Type
I’ve always longed having Plaza like: a ground floor or a type upstairs
How to go to school and acquire credentials like masters, doctorate etc
How to travel overseer and host seminars
How to travel abroad and catch fun
How to report any illegal act in the society or my community to the reliable source.
Gold or silver wrist watch I’ll like to sell at area 10 garki Abuja
Gold or silver nick less, ear rings, hand rings and bangles I’ll put on and dance the tone of great men
I’ll always have an love garden where we Exercise like aerobic, golf, foot-ball , table tennis and lot more
My dream in life Big family like : a responsible and well behaved type.
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55 stuff you can always dream for in life and achieve in a year.
In 2018, 2019 Prospective, the 20 World’s magnet billionaires : Rank and Investment.
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