The 20 spirits behind money.

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           By Michael C. Onah
Money it’s not a human, is just a legal paper substantially approved by the Government as a means of exchange could it be buying and selling products or attend some else’s work or a job; like: laundry, engines repairs, entertainment and lot more, it’s called services. let see spirits behind money.

1 Money it a spirit while not working.
2 Money can make you very much younger than your real age.
3 Money can make you look ugly or fine.
4 Money it a gift.
5 Money it power.
6 Money sleep and wake.
7 Money it dead body while not working.
8 Money have ears to hear.

      I am by name Chibuzor Michael Onah the CEO and founder of cBAYLandplus. To the best of my knowledge  i have not seen much yet in life, but i have read all manner of faced books  both in marriage, relationship, business and lots more not just mention; this equipped me and made me who i am today.

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And above all else,  I have sit and dine with great men that had position me too well by their good counsel, people like bishop victor orji, Mr Jordan; i call him 'my rich dad' and more of them , i can attest the fact that i am not at 0% but  at least 99.9% i give Almighty God the glory not by my own power but his own making. And lastly my aim is to build and put in men the entrepreneur spirit for some of them who think they cannot make it any longer in life.
9 money it gives and take stuff.
10  Money it a total stranger. It can’t stay it comes and go.

11 Money it killing to get but simple to spend.
12 Money it a traveler, it travels beyond your 
Imagination and comes back to you a micro second.

14 Money it essential while you’re flexible.
15 Money it disturbing when you don’t have it in your pocket.
16 Money it a health and a disease.
17  Money extort and restore.
18 Money makes one mad or bring back one sense into normal.
Why do investors ask about this?
19 Money stays inside it abode until you wake it and comes outside.
20  Lack of money is poverty.

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