How can my business grow from a river to an ocean; it's your responsibility.

Image result for photo for ocean  
 By Michael C.Onah
The ocean never dry...
A lot of folk round the world  have ponder enough the best interesting way to keep their business or businesses alive running in lift and bounds, some will say again  I need to take this business of mine one step ahead so I can rest tomorrow enjoying myself and my big family. Rivers get dried seasoning but an ocean never those that, it multiples  panting  the way you see it today might not be the same way you’ll see it tomorrow . Let study very lucid ways it can grow to an ocean.

Image result for photo of river

River; gets dry

 1 Your business it a god:
 It hears that’s why you command the business to start functioning and it works, how? It by obedient, obey the Government and don’t cheat clients; I’ll talk more as we go dip other contents.

Your business have eyes it sees lucid. That’s why when you step out from your duty post, it could be your workshop, office or service, it automatically on key and lock. It can see that’s why clients check the next door available they see you’re not serious for business while you’re absent.
Business have hands and legs this is the reason it can promote you, it’s your business that can give birth to order businesses, it’s the business that can make connections for you, it’s the same business that can bring light so people can see you and come for a business opportunities or an establishments. You see it have hands and legs. In a nut shell it a god.
2 Sacrifice:
 Sacrifice is done in the alter of a business. The growth of a business determines the high purchase of the sacrifice you do. Sacrifice one night, read books about business wake up in the morning and apply what you’ve learn last night, you then see the blossom of your business.
 3  Obey the business:
 Obedient to your business Is obedient to your own self; it a  agreement you both. when you disrespect the business it refuses to give you the output but when you obey you’ll see the success in obedient the business.
 4 Don’t cheat your clients:
 your clients are the business not you. You don’t buy your products or do you? It’s them that will buy and sell to the retailers or final consumers. So why on earth do you intend to cheat on them? A lot of us  are victims of this, the growth of your firm determines if you’re doing clients well or not. Read other of my books like: 6 mason jars to win customers for life in the business.and 5 stone doors for wealth creating.. You get more hints.
5 Obey the Government law:
Obedient to the land Is a number one paramount to every citizen and failing to do so you’re inquiring the wrath both there’s and heavenly. So it add more value to you in the life of your business. How can I obey the Government? Someone will ask, it’s by paying taxes or VATS, observe public holidays, observe a day for sanitation etc.
 6 Dedication
Be dedicated to your business, a business that is not well dedicated is a soon gone business. A book; dream achievers said: there are four major keys to success to good ventures, I’ll explain better myself.
A-Consistency-The fact you didn’t shut the bird today while you’re hunting out there shouldn’t make you quit or you’re not going to take another step tomorrow it might be the day you catch a million and likewise in your business suspend all the past disappointments yesterday just keep on shutting on and on, you’ll catch the bird in a mere time.
 B-Persistence- a job  or a business you’re doing happily without fair or compromise, you’ll see it rise like a morning sun with no harm but with vitamin D into the body, so don’t get tired.
C-Duplication- simply imitate the life styles of people who have gone ahead of you in the same business you’re. Ask questions so you learn better, don’t feel shy while learning something new that can enhance the growth of your business to a bigger level, keep on dedicating yourself something crucial.
D- Hard work-  While I was still in my O’ level back then in school, my school motto says ‘hard work begat success’, you see without hard work no good profit and  without profit you end up complaining and you’re doomed. So work hard and you secure a better result in your business.
Put all your mind in this… you’ve already made up your mind this is what you do of course no one forced you into it, dedicate yourself well.
7 Short message services (sms): 
Sending enticing packages of information of appreciation and commenting with them; could it be a week or a month for their patronage in your business. Through means of social Medias, emails or phone calls etc.
Make them know they’re important to you, you see tomorrow and next, they will found their feet close by your door shop.
 8 Periodic gifts
Make them know how important you so much care about them. Customers know how to appreciate good tidings from their buyers, you see for that reason they will keep on coming every day. Make it as your number one priority.
 9 Don’t neglect any one:
 Negligence to your customers is neglecting your business. Every one you see that comes and buy your products in your shop or you renders a service on the person it a potential recruit in your life. Keep them yourself on check, whatever happens negligence is not allowed.
 10 Don’t betray them

Be faithful, trust worthy and not disappointing to them. Customers highly detest betrayed it on their neck very irritating. Guide them with all diligence and make them understand every fault you have with them.
-11  Seek angel council in the same venture of people who are ahead of you:
Who is your mentor? Who is your mentor in the same field you’re?  It’s a massive one that needs urgent answer. I’ve not seen a great man without no mentor. Every great man I see or you see have one or two depends on. Good mentor, mentor you well. Your mentor is your profit, you gain from them asking complex question that seem confusing to you while you’re stuck for something. A million of advice shall be given to you. Try secure one mentor and you live above your equals.
- 12  practice well:
There’s this saying practice makes perfect. I say perfection. Permit me let me  copy this…from my previous book. Caring out practice In a daily endeavor makes one perfect or perfecting the work well. Practically going through what you’re given to do over and over again until you get it done well; until not…don’t stop until you do it perfect.
13  Invest well:
Your investment will speak for you while you’re aging gracefully. While you’re too young invest well, invest in stocks, shares, mutual funds, estates and other ventures too. The top philanthropist in the world today did not start enjoying the seed yesterday, hell no! it’s what they plant on their lands that start yielding bountifully today for them, do that fast.
 14  Nurture the business:
 Nurturing a new business most time started from small, when you give birth to it. For example; when a farmer plants he didn’t just go to sleep or wait behind till harvesting, no! He then do the chucking and applying condiments that will make it grow well and consumable. Same here too, you keep on nurturing, nurturing, you then see the beauty of blossom.
15 pray the business:
Interesting one, it compulsory you commit your business in the hands of God who multiples more and more. Pray every season and don’t get tired. Praying the business is like going into a space where there is no obstruction up there by the astrologist. It takes you nothing to pray but it takes you something when the business does not grow, commit it well in God’s hands.
16  Humility to go to school:
Learning is most  paramount and exist able factor in life. That number one stuff that  propels a person been at the verge to success. Something you’re naive for, the only secret to fade it  away is to humble yourself to learn in school. My mum used to aim this quotes on me. ‘if you humble yourself you get what you’re looking for.’ The holy bible stated. ‘pride goes before failure.’ A failure is a pride person and a humble person is a successful being. Men and women who have attained high in life and can never go down humbly go to school to learn and still learning. Pastor victor orji said: ‘The day you stop learning you start dying’. Learn…learn…listen to tutors during their tuition ask question where necessary so you become better as your life will never remain the same.
 .17 Be creative:
Your creativity is your activity I stated. Learn to create new things; learn to develop new ideas every now and then. People will like you, you will attract audience, people will pray to be your friend, you’re on top the world. You think well, you reason well and you create out amazing things.


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