

 TIME TO ASK QUESTIONS AND REASON TOGETHER:-   Written By Orji Victor CP It got to a point, > Jesus had to ask His disciples to tell Him what the people are saying about Him. > Even God Himself had to invite the people to come so that they can reason together. In your life and in my life, there should be a time or times when we must come down from our ego and genuinely, sincerely, politely, humbly and readily ask others to tell us their mind about us, our leadership style and the way we are not doing well. In this, we can get more information that will help us do much more better than we have been doing. No one is 100% wise and also right at everytime and in everything. Seek other's opinions if you truly want to go far. Change, take corrections and make amends where necessary and move on more courageously and more fortified. Right counsel gives energy and courage. When the time to ask questions and reason together comes, don't be too proud and arrogant not to ask. R...

How To Boost Motivation Instantly

 How To Boost Motivation Instantly  Written By Leon Ho If you feel aimless in life right now, hear me out. Even though my life looks pretty good on the outside, I also feel aimless from time to time... Nobody is immune to that. And it doesn't mean you're a failure. We all get stuck in a daily routine repeating the same actions each day. So, at one point, we forget why we're even doing anything... And then suddenly, our whole life seems gloomy. Like we have no perspective. No goals. Nothing to strive for. And no control over our lives. But believe me, that's just a temporary feeling you can overcome. You can find your passion again. There's only one thing you should understand. And that's your drive. You have to first understand what you care about, what's important to you. You can't move ahead if you don't know why. Fortunately, there's a simple framework that will guide you to the bottom of your motivation. It's made of six questions. If you...

One Of My Challenging Time In Ministry

 One Of My Challenging Time In Ministry. Written By Orji Victor CP One day, 3 Men walked into the Church premises to see me. As I came out and greeted them, the next thing I heard was "Pastor, tell my wife who is your member to come back to our own Church, when someone goes to hospital and get healed, she needs to go back home" I was surprised and asked who they were talking about. One of them introduced himself as a pastor and said "the woman is Mrs ....... and this Man here is her husband and my own town Person, we were sent to come and meet you so you can tell her to leave your Church and go back to their family Church, the woman came to your church because she was having liver decay and kidney problems which defiled medical treatment and there was no money to fly her abroad, she was told at the hospital that she won't last longer". The husband now continued "I allowed her to come to your Church because someone told us how God used you to heal someone of...

A Man Can Build Wealth For Complete 70 Years

  A Man Can Build Wealth For Complete 70 Years Written By Daniel Adebayo. A Content Writer But if you don't train your children in the way of the Lord, It's not likely they will preserve whatever wealth you might have created  *There are cases of children who abuse, destroy, undervalue...the assets of their parents* *The solution is to train your children in the way of the Lord, preach the gospel to them,* Not just memory verse like a rhythm Let them know WHO Jesus Christ is and WHY they need to accept Him wholeheartedly  *The proof that you have laboured so much will be revealed in the evening time in the life of your children* As you focus on business, still focus on children that will sustain it. Thank you Daniel Adebayo.

How Amanda Got Rid Of Her Fears And Started Taking Action

 How Amanda Got Rid Of Her Fears And Started Taking Action Written By Leon Ho Many projects fail before they even start. Why? Because people are often afraid of their own ideas. Just like Amanda was. I've met her a couple of years ago through a mutual friend. We talked about business and she told me how she wants to sell things on Etsy. Her friend was already selling and making money. And she had a lot of cool ideas for coffee mugs, pillows, posters, t-shirts, and other types of printable products. But she didn't have time to start that project right away. At least, that's what she told me. She had a full-time job in a software company and was traveling to see her parents each weekend. Why don't you start small, I've asked her. You can create the first product in one afternoon if you already have an idea. The next day, or next week, you can set up the store. That's more or less everything you need. And if you run into any kind of issue, you can always ask your f...


 *YOU TOO CAN TOUCH THEIR LIVES* Written By Godsent Uche You must not be as rich as Bill Gates to touch lives. You must not be as strong as "The Rock" to help people. You must not be as intelligent as Albert Einstein to contribute to your world. You must not have a 7 figure account balance to lend out a helping hand. You already have more than enough to affect lives with. You just haven't realized it yet.  Your words of encouragement can lift a dying soul.  Your joy can turn someone's darkness into light. Your smile will always make that sad face smile. Your prayers can heal a life and a nation. Your social media post can save someone from committing suicide. Your gift and talent can add beauty to the world. Your character can change a person's life. The list goes on and on... Who said you must be rich to impact your world? Who said you must be powerful to touch lives? It's the little things we do that brings great changes. A little drop of salt will always ad...

Let Me Tell You A Little About Phronesis Readers Club

  Let Me Tell You A Little About Phronesis Readers Club Written By Daniel Okafor  Phronesis readers club is a platform with a vision to raise a community of readers where growth, development and transformation can be fostered in the lives of young people through the reading culture. At Phronesis, we don't just read & WRITE for fun, but we read for growth and transformation. Also, webinars and programs as touching to Personal Development are usually organized monthly at the club. ā€œShow me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.ā€ ā€“ Napoleon Bonaparte A reader doesn't automatically makes you a leader, but reading the right books as touching; Spiritual Growth, Leadership, Business, Marriage & Relationship, Politics, Inspirational & Motivational, Parenting... makes you a leader. And that's what we read at Phronesis. I'm the pioneer and co founder of Phronesis Readers Club. I'm Proudly a Phroneser