

  DEFINE WHY THEY GIVE YOU:- Written By Orji Victor CP 1. Some give you because they want to have you to themselves. 2. Some give you because they want to control you. 3. Some give you because they want to share your glory with you. 4. Some give you because they want to buy your voice, thereby shutting your voice up. 5. Some give you because they want to stop you. 6. Some give you to support you because they see themselves as part of you and part of your vision. 7. Some give you because it is in their nature to give. 8. Some give you because satan sent them to corrupt you. 9. Some give you so they can use it to make mouth with it in future. 10. Some give you because they are genuinely in love and committed to your life and vision. 11. Some give you out of competition because someone else gave you. 12. Some give you because God sent them to you, so they do it without expecting anything in return. Not all giving is Godly and goodly. Be sensitive and apply discernment. May what you re...

Can You Give Too Much To Your Kids?

Written By Leon Ho Can You Give Too Much To Your Kids? What I'm about to share with you today is kind of controversial. Not everyone will agree with me and dr. Magdalena. So here's the thing... "I want my kids to have everything I didn't have as a kid." How often do you hear that? Maybe you've also said it a few times. I know I did. It's completely natural to want the best for your kids, after all. There's nothing wrong with that. However, if taken to the extreme, this attitude can easily backfire by making your kids entitled from an early age. And here's where it gets controversial... Many people would argue that it's NOT possible to give too much to your kids. But dr. Magdalena Battles thinks differently. She says that parents need to differentiate between needs and wants. Needs are crucial for the kid's development. Things such as food, clothing, school accessories, and others. Wants, on the other hand, are NOT crucial. Which doesn't...

Can God tell you who to marry?

 Can God tell you who to marry? Yes! Written By Jonah Sunday Will God expressly tell everyone who to marry? No! Does it mean it's only those who hear God audibly that will enjoy a successful marriage? No! Can you enjoy a successful marriage without hearing God audibly? Yes! While some people will hear God audibly about who to marry, some will see dreams; others will have visions; others will have a feeling; while some will just know when they meet that person. The success of a marriage is not necessarily because you heard God or not. God doesn't build marriages for people. Even if you heard God audibly, you can still regret getting married to that person. It's good to hear God audibly about who to marry, but that's not the end of the story. While you're labouring to hear God audibly about your future partner, labour to be patient and understanding, to be forgiving and respectful, to be considerate and compassionate, to argue less, to be less angry, to listen attenti...


  LEADERS WE ALWAYS WISH TO LOOK LIKE Written By The Unknown Person Bill Gates - Divorced Jeff Bezos - Divorced Elon Musk - Divorced Steve Wynn - Divorced Kanye West - Divorced Alico Dangote - Unknown Almost all billionaires are either divorced or going through divorce. But it's almost believed that wealth and fame make a better marriage, hence majority of poor single ladies dream to get married to a famous rich man. And most bachelors get overdue for marriage but they will not venture into it because they believe that they won't be loved and respected because they are not wealthy or famous.  The above divorcees are clear evidence that wealth does not guarantee a peaceful and lasting marriage till death do the party involved part. Wealth and or fame shouldn't be your basic determinant to have lasting matrimony. But having Christ Jesus as the foundation of your quest for a spouse, building your home of Him as a sure foundation, will certainly uphold your family against any s...


Social media etiquette. 0.6 WHO DO YOU LEAVE YOUR TIMELINE TO DOMINATE? Written By Michael C. Samuel There is something I will never allow either my family or friends to do in my house no matter how close we are. Normally, whenever I received a friend's request, I always like to go through the timeline of the sender. This is to know the type of person he/she is. It is always a turn-off for me when your timeline is clouded with pictures of a native doctor, friends that tagged on what doesn't concern you. It pissed me off to glance at your timeline and all I could see are things of less value to humanity. And I want to ask you, who are you living your timeline to dominate? Do you actually know the importance of  the timeline? In case you are still new on this street, I want to open your eyes to see what you have been doing. You are doing yourself a huge disservice and thereby leaving important connections and money on the table. Indeed, there is no intentional human who will dare...


 Social media etiquette. WHY YOU SHOULD USE YOUR REAL NAME. Written By Michael C. Samuel. Before I will start teaching you the importance of using your real name on this street, I want to simply make this clear. I perfectly understand you and I am not trying in any way to judge you. I understand that life is all about making choices and whichever choice you make for yourself, it means you had chosen what is best for you. But on the other hand, I still want to inform you in case you aren't aware of this truth that sometimes the choices we made can be changed especially when it isn't favorable. Coming to the teaching of today, I want to invite the holy spirit to minister this truth into the hearts of those that will listen to my voice. The other day, I made a post concerning accepting those who aren't intentional and teach them what they need to know about intentionality since we are once taught before we glanced at the light. I had accepted enough of those people who haven...


  KNOW THESE, KNOW WISDOM Written By Michael Chidiebere Ituma  .  .  .  Youth is but vapour. It fizzles out with a twinkling of an eye. Live it positively, use yours wisely.  .  .  Life will take you through as many difficult processes as it deems fit just so you don't miss out on any important and valuable lesson on your journey to destiny.  .  .  People are God's gift to mankind. You are a gift to your next door neighbour and vice versa. Therefore, don't take the gift of men for granted.  .  .  You will have a thousand falls, a million tears, a trillion disappointments, and a Multimillion dollar worth of discouragement. It is not a sin, it is not a curse. Adapt; we still live on a planet in the world.  .  .  "You are free to feel discouraged; the feeling is normal. What is abnormal is GIVING UP in the face of such discouragement." - Michael Chidiebere Ituma .  .  Show love to them who love y...