Written By Michael Chidiebere Ituma 

Youth is but vapour. It fizzles out with a twinkling of an eye. Live it positively, use yours wisely. 

Life will take you through as many difficult processes as it deems fit just so you don't miss out on any important and valuable lesson on your journey to destiny. 

People are God's gift to mankind. You are a gift to your next door neighbour and vice versa. Therefore, don't take the gift of men for granted. 

You will have a thousand falls, a million tears, a trillion disappointments, and a Multimillion dollar worth of discouragement. It is not a sin, it is not a curse. Adapt; we still live on a planet in the world. 

"You are free to feel discouraged; the feeling is normal. What is abnormal is GIVING UP in the face of such discouragement." - Michael Chidiebere Ituma

Show love to them who love you and to them who hate you; to they that curse you and to they that bless you. The hands of the clock still turns. 

A little bit of giving will not make you bankrupt. Give to the needy, give alms, help a friend, be kind unconditionally. Tomorrow is an uncertain day. 

Apologize to people when you do them wrong. Still apologize when they insist it is your fault. The goal is to ensure you are in a position where you can be helped by same person some rainy day ahead. 

Be slow to anger. Tamper rage and fury with calmness. Keep your cool whenever you get offended. You could kill someone, you could be killed. 

Save a portion of your income no matter how small. Invest another portion in personal development. Invest another portion in business. But whatever happens, save for the rainy day. 

Call your friends to know how they are faring. Send them text messages if you're not in the position to put a call through to them. We watch over others just so that we may have some eyes watching over us. 

Courtesy! Courtesy is demanded of you. Know where to work. Know when to work. Know how to work. Know when not to combine work with religion. Say thank you for every good done to you. Know when to talk. Know when to speak out loud. 

Be careful with your health. Be careful with your life. Drive safely and caution drivers who drive roughly. You have family and loved ones to attend to. 

Above all of these, KNOW GOD. Do things that glorifies Him. Commit your ways into His hands and He shall order your steps. 

Be Wise, be guided. 

I'm concerned with your Positivity. 

Be Positive. 

Michael Chidiebere Ituma 


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